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sascha fuchs edited this page Jan 24, 2017 · 2 revisions

The Craft Install is very Simple, you have two bigger Options for your Startingpoint.

###Install Only This is the main Craft Installoption. If you have activated the Craft option "Integrate in CraftCMS", and you have agreed with the CraftCLI during the installation, Craft will be installed after expiration of the generator. In this case, you must press y again, as the CLI expects to confirm the usage rights.

Once the generator has completed the installation process, you can initiate the project. If you have not already entered the credentials, you have to edit them in the General and Database Config files. (src/structure/config /).

Use npm run init to start the whole project. In conclusion, you must:

  • rename htaccess to dist/public/ in .htacess
  • set the rights of the directories dist/craft/app, dist/craft/storage and dist/craft/config to 744. Alternative to 774 or 777. (

Do not forget your vhost. Then you start the regular Craft installation process via the Admin interface.

###Extended Install (Bonus Round :D) If this is not enough, we have integrated a Starter Pack. This can only be activated, if you have set the usage to "Integrate in CraftCMS". And if the CSS Methology "ITCSS" have selected. In this case, the generator already installs a ContentBuilder with all necessary plugins, Javascripts, Sass Files and the Twig components.

Here almost the same as with the Simplen Install, only you have to create in the directory dist/public/ an upload directory uploads/images/. That gets then also 744, 774 or 777 (depending on the rights of the webserver).

After you have installed Du Craft, you go into the settings and turn on all existing plugins. Then you open the "Architect" plugin. In the directory src/.system/ you find the file contentbuilder.json copy the contents and insert it in the Architect Plugin with Raw Input. Then just click on Construct and that's it.

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