Add Employee: Users can input employee details such as ID, name, designation, and salary, which will be stored in a Oracle database. View Employee: A table that displays a list of all employees, including their ID, name, designation, and calculated salary components (e.g., HRA, DA). Remove Employee: Employees can be removed from the list with a confirmation popup and a custom message indicating that the employee’s details have been deleted. Login System: Users need to log in with a username and password to access the application.
Backend: Java Servlets, JSP Frontend: HTML, CSS Database: Oracle (with JDBC for database connectivity) Server: Apache Tomcat
JDK: Make sure Java Development Kit (JDK) is installed. Apache Tomcat: Install and configure Apache Tomcat. Oracle: Set up Oracle or another database compatible with JDBC.
Clone the Repository:
git clone Database Setup:
Create a Oracle database named employee_db. Run the following SQL script to create the Employee61 table: sql CREATE TABLE Employee61 ( ID VARCHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY, eName VARCHAR(50), eDesg VARCHAR(50), bSal FLOAT, hra FLOAT, da FLOAT, totSal FLOAT ); Configure Database Connection:
Open and update the database URL, username, and password. Deploy to Tomcat:
Copy the Employee_Details_App project to the webapps folder of your Tomcat installation. Start the Tomcat server using the command:
catalina.bat start (Windows) Access the Application:
Open a web browser and go to:
Username: admin Password: admin123