COE528 (Object Oriented Design) Project
A bookstore application implemented using JavaFX amongst others, for the group project assigned in COE528 - Object Oriented Design.
Admin usage of the app:
Admin can login with admin/admin credentials. This presents a screen welcoming the admin and some options. Depending on the option selected the admin has the power to add or delete a selected book as well as add or delete a selected customer. Of course he is given the option to go back to the previous screen or log out as well.
Customer usage of the app:
A customer can only login with existing credentials; they would have to register with the admin beforehand (ie. not required, therefore not implemented). Once logged in, the customer can see a table of books from which they can select to buy, and of course they can log out whenever they wish.
Closing the application and on re-run:
The application saves info to two files: books.txt and customers.txt depending upon the info in the book table and customer table. These files are also used to load in the information for the application as well.
@kggurram @waqasjal @alvirania @mpat247 💻