To test this software, first run:
javac -d ../out src/config/*.java src/remote/*.java src/service/*.java src/node/*.java src/message/*.java
In your terminal to compile all the necessary java classes. Then, run
java -cp ../out remote.Main 8081
To specify the address and portname of the initial node, and none
for the second node
(since this is just the initial node we are adding, no other node is currently in the system)
This should then start up a new node, and you will start seeing output for it.
To add another node, open a new terminal and run
java remote.Main <new_port_name> <target_address_and_portnumber>
This will then start up a new node instance that points the existing node as a target instance,
and they will then begin communicating
You can repeat this process to add as many nodes as you please.