- Android ( Java )
- Google Android API
- Google Maps API
- OpenStreetMaps API
- Android Text-To-Speech API
- SQLite
- SafeDriveDroid is a road safety driving application.
- SafeDriveDroid is designed to avert and minimize the number of accidents that happen every single day due to exorbitant use of mobile phones.
- The app gets auto enabled after the speed of the vehicle increases above 20 km/hr and blocks all the incoming calls and messages.
- If accident is detected, emergency contacts are immediately notified for on time medical assistance.
- In case of over speeding, the driver is alerted using voice over.
- The messages and calls that were blocked are sent to the driver after the drive mode is disabled. The app also auto replies to the callers.
- In case of emergency calls/caller id the app notifies the driver using voice.
- Drive Mode Automation - Auto Enable / Disable Driving Mode available.
- Speed Limit Warning - Voice over alert system.
- Auto-reply text message for caller.
- Calls and Messages blocking when driving mode is enabled.
- Priority list of the calls.
- Detection of road signs, traffic density, school areas and adjusting the voice over of speed limit for the driver.
- Native language Support - English , Hindi , Marathi
- Fragments to display UI.
- Auto Login Feature.
- Use of Activity LifeCycle Methods to handle application status.
- Use of Custom Array List to temporarily store Priority Calls.
- Use of Custom XML Components using Material Design for great User Experience.
- Use of Essential User Permission to experience full functionality of app.