This image let you launch OctoPrint container with Cura and Slic3r plugins configured
Thanks to:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --device=/dev/ttyUSB0 --name=my-octoprint-containername kennethjiang/octoprint-with-slicers
Go to http://localhost:5000/
QNAP Notes
you can run/start the package through the container station. Make sure that ups_yec (a UPS Service) is not running. It makes interferes with USB Devices. To do so:
Find system config drive
echo "Your needs to be placed in: $(getcfg system "system device")6"
Mount the config dir
mount -t ext2 $(getcfg system "system device")6 /tmp/config
create a file
vi /tmp/config/
# remove wrong ups yec assignment and generate dummy ups_yec executable
/sbin/daemon_mgr ups_yec stop "/sbin/ups_yec &"
rm /tmp/ups_temp
echo '#!/bin/sh' > /sbin/ups_yec
echo 'while true' >> /sbin/ups_yec
echo 'do' >> /sbin/ups_yec
echo 'sleep 10' >> /sbin/ups_yec
echo 'done' >> /sbin/ups_yec
Add execute rights
chmod +x /tmp/config/
unmount the config drive
umount /tmp/config