It's when you have a domain-defined ui models together with a Ui compatible models, so your Ui doesn't need to think of formatting, or calculating the right data look to display. Example for the coin model:
data class Coin(
val id: String,
val rank: Int,
val name: String,
val symbol: String,
val marketCapUsd: Double,
val priceUsd: Double,
val changePercent24Hr: Double,
data class CoinUi(
val id: String,
val rank: Int,
val name: String,
val symbol: String,
val marketCapUsd: DisplayableNumber,
val priceUsd: DisplayableNumber,
val changePercent24Hr: DisplayableNumber,
@DrawableRes val iconRes: Int,
data class DisplayableNumber(
val value: Double,
val formatted: String,
fun Coin.toCoinUi(): CoinUi {
return CoinUi(
id = id,
rank = rank,
name = name,
symbol = symbol,
marketCapUsd = marketCapUsd.toDisplayableNumber(),
priceUsd = priceUsd.toDisplayableNumber(),
changePercent24Hr = changePercent24Hr.toDisplayableNumber(),
iconRes = getDrawableIdForCoin(symbol),
fun Double.toDisplayableNumber(): DisplayableNumber {
val formatter =
NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.getDefault()).apply {
minimumFractionDigits = 2
maximumFractionDigits = 2
return DisplayableNumber(
value = this,
formatted = formatter.format(this),
Result utility class with a concrete set of errors, and error messages.
typealias RootError = Error
sealed interface Result<out D, out E : Error> {
data class Success<out D>(val data: D) : Result<D, Nothing>
data class Error<out E : RootError>(val error: E) : Result<Nothing, E>
Here, we use out
to mark D
, and E
as covarient type parameters - meaning, if we have SubD : D
and SubE : E
then Result<SubD, SubE>
is a subtype of Result<D, E>
, where the hierarchy of E
looks like Error -> E -> SubE
. Notice that Nothing
is a subtype of all types in Kotlin.
This allows us to write something like:
suspend inline fun <reified T> responseToResult(response: HttpResponse): Result<T, NetworkError> {
return when (response.status.value) {
in 200..299 -> {
try {
} catch (e: NoTransformationFoundException) {
P.s.: Want to map your enum error value to a specific string resource? Check this out
You should use dto classes instead of your domain models, so that you don't rely on a specific Api implementation. I mean, your app shouldn't be heavily dependent on other codebases, because if the 3rd party code changes, it can affect your app well-being.