This is a customized version of the RNode firmware, designed for use using the Moteino MEGA by LowPowerLab, with the RFM95 LoRa Module.
This work is a derivative of the RNode developed and sold by Mark Qvist. RNode is Copyright by Mark Qvist.
I have no intention of selling or distributing custom RNodes. The assumption here is that you know why you're here, and you know why and how to purchase and build the requisite hardware mentioned in this derivative. Mark Qvist and Steve Miller are not responsible for undesired operation including but not limited to things breaking, catching fire, or collapsing the space-time continuum. You have been warned.
- Config.h pinouts for the RFM95 module installed on the Moteino MEGA
- Refactor .ino code to .cpp (developing using VSCode / PlatformIO)
- ROM.h added custom model E4 (0xE4) for Moteino MEGA board with RFM95 LoRa module
- Utilities.h & ROM.h removed references to Mark Qvist's model A4 and A9 due to pin changes and to prevent bad flashes onto real RNodes
Writing this firmware requires an additional step using rnodeconfigutil, as flashing the firmware to the Moteino MEGA will not write the EEPROM data needed by the device.
It is strongly suggested that you use the customized RNode Configuration tool for Custom RNode Model E4.
This is the firmware for RNode, a very flexible LoRa-based communication device. RNode can functions as a:
- A general purpose long-range data radio
- Network adapter for RNS
- LoRa interface for your computer (or any device with a USB or serial port)
- Generic LoRa-based network adapter for your Linux devices
- Packet sniffer for LoRa networks
- LoRa development board
- A LoRa-based KISS-compatible TNC
- A flexible platform for experiementing with LoRa technology
RNode is controlled by a powerful ATmega1284p MCU, and is fully Arduino compatible. You can use this firmware, or it can be programmed any way you like, either from the Arduino IDE, or using any of the available tools for AVR development. This firmware can also be edited and compiled directly from the Arduino IDE.
For adding RNode to your Arduino environment, please see this post.
For configuring an RNode with this firmware, please have a look at the RNode Config Utility.
The RNode firmware can be considered stable at this point. If you do find a bug or discover unintended behaviour, please report it as an issue here, so I can fix it!
RNode can operate in two modes, host-controlled (default) and TNC mode:
When RNode is in host-controlled mode, it will stay in standby when powered on, until the host specifies frequency, bandwidth, transmit power and other required parameters. This mode can be enabled by using the -N option of this utility. In host-controlled mode, promiscuous mode can be activated to sniff any LoRa frames.
When RNode is in TNC mode, it will configure itself on powerup and enable the radio immediately. This mode can be enabled by using the -T option of this utility (the utility will guide you through the settings if you don't specify them directly).
You can communicate with RNode either via the on-board USB connector, or using the serial pins on the board (labeled RX0 and TX0). RNode uses a standard FTDI USB chip, so it works out of the box without additional drivers in most operating systems.
All communications to and from the board uses KISS framing with a custom command set. RNode also does not use HDLC ports in the command byte, and as such uses the full 8 bits of the command byte is available for the actual command. Please see table below for supported commands.
Command | Byte | Description |
Data frame | 0x00 | A data packet to or from the device |
Frequency | 0x01 | Sets or queries the frequency |
Bandwidth | 0x02 | Sets or queries the bandwidth |
TX Power | 0x03 | Sets or queries the TX power |
Spreading Factor | 0x04 | Sets or queries the spreading factor |
Coding Rate | 0x05 | Sets or queries the coding rate |
Radio State | 0x06 | Sets or queries radio state |
Radio Lock | 0x07 | Sets or queries the radio lock |
Device Detect | 0x08 | Probe command for device detection |
Promiscuous | 0x0E | Sets or queries promiscuous mode |
RX Stats | 0x21 | Queries received bytes |
TX Stats | 0x22 | Queries transmitted bytes |
Last RSSI | 0x23 | Indicates RSSI of last packet received |
Blink | 0x30 | Blinks LEDs |
Random | 0x40 | Queries for a random number |
Firmware Version | 0x50 | Queries for installed firmware version |
ROM Read | 0x51 | Read EEPROM byte |
ROM Write | 0x52 | Write EEPROM byte |
TNC Mode | 0x53 | Enables TNC mode |
Normal Mode | 0x54 | Enables host-controlled mode |
ROM Erase | 0x59 | Completely erases EEPROM |
Error | 0x90 | Indicates an error |
Have a look in the "Libraries" folder for includes to let you easily use RNode in your own software.
Here's a Python example:
from RNode import RNodeInterface
def gotPacket(data, rnode):
print "Received a packet: "+data
rnode = RNodeInterface(
callback = gotPacket,
name = "My RNode",
port = "/dev/ttyUSB0",
frequency = 868000000,
bandwidth = 125000,
txpower = 2,
sf = 7,
cr = 5,
loglevel = RNodeInterface.LOG_DEBUG)
rnode.send("Hello World!")
RNode can be put into LoRa promiscuous mode, which will dump raw LoRa frames to the host. Raw LoRa frames can also be sent in this mode, and have the standard LoRa payload size of 255 bytes. To enable promiscuous mode send the "Promiscuous" command to the board, or use one of the programming libraries. You can also use the example program LoRaMon for an easy to use LoRa packet sniffer.