Create a simple website and host it using route 53. Server is ubuntu and cloud is AWS
- Create a VPC
- Create public subnet
- Create route-tables, internet-gateway
- Configure Route table, Internet Gateway and Subnets
- Create an public Ec2 instance in public subnet in ubuntu OS
- Install apache2 webserver
sudo su -
apt update
apt install apache2
systemctl enable apache2
systemctl status apache2
- Purchase a domain on Godaddy or any other provider
- Create hosted-zone with the domain name in Route53 - enter your domain name
- Copy the Name-Server records into the domain provider (there are 4 records, copy them all, do not add . at the end)
- Create a record in your route53 hostedzone - Record type is A, enter the public ip address in value box.
- Browse application with the your domain name.
- File name should be index.html
- Check for security groups http and ssh should be enabled.
- Record type is A and Enter the ip address in value, TTL seconds can be 60, routing policy is simple routing.
- Wait for route53 to respond, browsing through domain name might take little time