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Quasar is:
An experimental digital audio effect that reduces audio resolution through bitcrushing and then pushes the signal into severe distortion, resulting in a chaotic and abrasive sound.
A sonic black hole, collapsing audio into a digital abyss of distortion and noise.
- Plugin format: LV2
Meson, LV2 and a C compiler are required to build this project. Setup the build directory as follows:
meson setup build
# How to use a custom LV2 plugin directory:
meson setup build -Dlv2dir=$HOME/.lv2/
Compile and install the plugins:
meson compile -C build
meson install -C build
Use the docker file to run plugin-torture and lv2_validate on Quasar-lv2.
$ docker build -t quasar-test . && docker run -it quasar-test
LOG: Turning on denormal detection.
LOG: Running `Quasar Distortion' (/root/.lv2/quasar.lv2/manifest.ttl)
LOG: Inputs:
LOG: 0 Input Gain => default 1
LOG: 1 Bits => default 16
LOG: 2 Overflow => default 1
LOG: 3 Dry/Wet => default 0.3
LOG: silence
LOG: impulse
LOG: pulse
LOG: sine
LOG: ardour-dc-bias