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Quaternion data model
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kaseris committed Jan 16, 2024
1 parent ea9002c commit fc0ee2b
Showing 1 changed file with 357 additions and 0 deletions.
357 changes: 357 additions & 0 deletions src/skelcast/utils/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
import torch
from math import pi

class Quaternion(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
s = len(args)
if s == 0:
if ("axis" in kwargs) and ("angle" in kwargs):
axis = kwargs["axis"]
angle = kwargs["angle"]
self._q = Quaternion._from_axis_angle(axis, angle).q
elif ("axis" in kwargs) and ("rodriguez_parameter" in kwargs):
axis = kwargs["axis"]
rodriguez_parameter = kwargs["rodriguez_parameter"]
self._q = Quaternion._from_rodrigues_vector(axis, rodriguez_parameter).q
q = args[0]
if Quaternion.is_quaternion(q):
self._q = q._q
assert q.shape[-1] == 4, 'Quaternion has to be of dimension 4'
self._q = q

def _from_axis_angle(cls, axis, angle):
"""Initialise from axis and angle representation
Create a Quaternion by specifying the 3-vector rotation axis and rotation
angle (in radians) from which the quaternion's rotation should be created.
axis: a valid numpy 3-vector
angle: a real valued angle in radians
norm = axis.square().sum(-1).sqrt().unsqueeze(-1)
axis = axis / norm.clamp_min(1e-12)
theta = angle.unsqueeze(-1) / 2.0
r = torch.where(norm > 1e-12, torch.cos(theta), torch.ones_like(theta))
i = torch.where(norm > 1e-12, axis * torch.sin(theta), torch.zeros_like(axis))
q =[r, i], dim=-1)
return cls(q)

def _from_rodrigues_vector(cls, axis, rodrigues_parameter):
norm = axis.square().sum(-1).sqrt().unsqueeze(-1)
axis = axis / norm.clamp_min(1e-12)
theta = torch.atan(rodrigues_parameter).unsqueeze(-1)
r = torch.where(norm > 1e-12, torch.cos(theta), torch.ones_like(theta))
i = torch.where(norm > 1e-12, axis * torch.sin(theta), torch.zeros_like(axis))
q =[r, i], dim=-1)
return cls(q)

def __mul__(self, other):
if Quaternion.is_quaternion(other):
return self.__class__(torch.matmul(self._q_matrix(), other._q.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1))
return self * self.__class__(other)

def mul_(cls, q1, q2):
return (cls(q1) * cls(q2)).q

def __repr__(self):
return f"Quaternion: {self._q.__repr__()}"

def _q_matrix(self):
"""Matrix representation of quaternion for multiplication purposes.
return torch.stack([
torch.stack([self._q[..., 0], -self._q[..., 1], -self._q[..., 2], -self._q[..., 3]], dim=-1),
torch.stack([self._q[..., 1], self._q[..., 0], -self._q[..., 3], self._q[..., 2]], dim=-1),
torch.stack([self._q[..., 2], self._q[..., 3], self._q[..., 0], -self._q[..., 1]], dim=-1),
torch.stack([self._q[..., 3], -self._q[..., 2], self._q[..., 1], self._q[..., 0]], dim=-1)], dim=-2)

def _q_bar_matrix(self):
"""Matrix representation of quaternion for multiplication purposes.
return torch.stack([
torch.stack([self._q[..., 0], -self._q[..., 1], -self._q[..., 2], -self._q[..., 3]], dim=-1),
torch.stack([self._q[..., 1], self._q[..., 0], self._q[..., 3], -self._q[..., 2]], dim=-1),
torch.stack([self._q[..., 2], -self._q[..., 3], self._q[..., 0], self._q[..., 1]], dim=-1),
torch.stack([self._q[..., 3], self._q[..., 2], -self._q[..., 1], self._q[..., 0]], dim=-1)], dim=-2)

def _rotate_quaternion(self, q):
"""Rotate a quaternion vector using the stored rotation.
q: The vector to be rotated, in quaternion form (0 + xi + yj + kz)
A Quaternion object representing the rotated vector in quaternion from (0 + xi + yj + kz)
return self.__class__(self * q * self.conjugate)

def rotate_(cls, q, v):
return cls(q).rotate(v)

def rotate(self, vector):
"""Rotate a 3D vector by the rotation stored in the Quaternion object.
vector: A 3-vector specified as any ordered sequence of 3 real numbers corresponding to x, y, and z values.
Some types that are recognised are: numpy arrays, lists and tuples.
A 3-vector can also be represented by a Quaternion object who's scalar part is 0 and vector part is the required 3-vector.
Thus it is possible to call `Quaternion.rotate(q)` with another quaternion object as an itorch.t.
The rotated vector returned as the same type it was specified at itorch.t.
TypeError: if any of the vector elements cannot be converted to a real number.
ValueError: if `vector` cannot be interpreted as a 3-vector or a Quaternion object.
if Quaternion.is_quaternion(vector):
return self._rotate_quaternion(vector)
q = Quaternion([torch.zeros_like(vector[..., [0]]), vector], dim=-1))
a = self._rotate_quaternion(q).vector
return a

def conjugate_(cls, q):
return cls(q).conjugate.q

def conjugate(self):
"""Quaternion conjugate, encapsulated in a new instance.
For a unit quaternion, this is the same as the inverse.
A new Quaternion object clone with its vector part negated
return self.__class__([self.scalar.unsqueeze(-1), -self.vector], dim=-1))

def _normalize(self):
"""Object is guaranteed to be a unit quaternion after calling this
operation UNLESS the object is equivalent to Quaternion(0)
self._q = torch.nn.functional.normalize(self._q, dim=-1)

def scalar(self):
""" Return the real or scalar component of the quaternion object.
A real number i.e. float
return self._q[..., 0]

def vector(self):
""" Return the imaginary or vector component of the quaternion object.
A numpy 3-array of floats. NOT guaranteed to be a unit vector
return self._q[..., 1:]

def rotation_matrix_(cls, q):
return cls(q).rotation_matrix

def rotation_matrix(self):
"""Get the 3x3 rotation matrix equivalent of the quaternion rotation.
A 3x3 orthogonal rotation matrix as a 3x3 Numpy array
This feature only makes sense when referring to a unit quaternion.
Calling this method will implicitly normalise the Quaternion object to a unit quaternion if it is not already one.
product_matrix = torch.matmul(self._q_matrix(), self._q_bar_matrix().conj().transpose(-2, -1))
return product_matrix[..., 1:, 1:]

def normalized(self):
"""Get a unit quaternion (versor) copy of this Quaternion object.
A unit quaternion has a `norm` of 1.0
A new Quaternion object clone that is guaranteed to be a unit quaternion
q = Quaternion(self._q)
return q

def q(self):
return self._q

def euler_angle_(cls, q, order, epsilon=0.):
return cls(q).euler_angle(order, epsilon)

def euler_angle(self, order: str = 'zyx', epsilon: float = 0.):
Convert quaternion(s) q to Euler angles.
assert self.q.shape[-1] == 4

original_shape = list(self.q.shape)
original_shape[-1] = 3
q = self.q.view(-1, 4)

q0 = q[:, 0]
q1 = q[:, 1]
q2 = q[:, 2]
q3 = q[:, 3]

if order == 'xyz':
x = torch.atan2(2 * (q0 * q1 - q2 * q3), 1 - 2 * (q1 * q1 + q2 * q2))
y = torch.asin(torch.clamp(2 * (q1 * q3 + q0 * q2), -1 + epsilon, 1 - epsilon))
z = torch.atan2(2 * (q0 * q3 - q1 * q2), 1 - 2 * (q2 * q2 + q3 * q3))
elif order == 'yzx':
x = torch.atan2(2 * (q0 * q1 - q2 * q3), 1 - 2 * (q1 * q1 + q3 * q3))
y = torch.atan2(2 * (q0 * q2 - q1 * q3), 1 - 2 * (q2 * q2 + q3 * q3))
z = torch.asin(torch.clamp(2 * (q1 * q2 + q0 * q3), -1 + epsilon, 1 - epsilon))
elif order == 'zxy':
x = torch.asin(torch.clamp(2 * (q0 * q1 + q2 * q3), -1 + epsilon, 1 - epsilon))
y = torch.atan2(2 * (q0 * q2 - q1 * q3), 1 - 2 * (q1 * q1 + q2 * q2))
z = torch.atan2(2 * (q0 * q3 - q1 * q2), 1 - 2 * (q1 * q1 + q3 * q3))
elif order == 'xzy':
x = torch.atan2(2 * (q0 * q1 + q2 * q3), 1 - 2 * (q1 * q1 + q3 * q3))
y = torch.atan2(2 * (q0 * q2 + q1 * q3), 1 - 2 * (q2 * q2 + q3 * q3))
z = torch.asin(torch.clamp(2 * (q0 * q3 - q1 * q2), -1 + epsilon, 1 - epsilon))
elif order == 'yxz':
x = torch.asin(torch.clamp(2 * (q0 * q1 - q2 * q3), -1 + epsilon, 1 - epsilon))
y = torch.atan2(2 * (q1 * q3 + q0 * q2), 1 - 2 * (q1 * q1 + q2 * q2))
z = torch.atan2(2 * (q1 * q2 + q0 * q3), 1 - 2 * (q1 * q1 + q3 * q3))
elif order == 'zyx':
x = torch.atan2(2 * (q0 * q1 + q2 * q3), 1 - 2 * (q1 * q1 + q2 * q2))
y = torch.asin(torch.clamp(2 * (q0 * q2 - q1 * q3), -1 + epsilon, 1 - epsilon))
z = torch.atan2(2 * (q0 * q3 + q1 * q2), 1 - 2 * (q2 * q2 + q3 * q3))

return torch.stack((x, y, z), dim=1).view(original_shape)

def get_axis(self):
"""Get the axis or vector about which the quaternion rotation occurs
For a null rotation (a purely real quaternion), the rotation angle will
always be `0`, but the rotation axis is undefined.
It is by default assumed to be `[0, 0, 0]`.
undefined: [optional] specify the axis vector that should define a null rotation.
This is geometrically meaningless, and could be any of an infinite set of vectors,
but can be specified if the default (`[0, 0, 0]`) causes undesired behaviour.
A Numpy unit 3-vector describing the Quaternion object's axis of rotation.
This feature only makes sense when referring to a unit quaternion.
Calling this method will implicitly normalise the Quaternion object to a unit quaternion if it is not already one.
tolerance = 1e-12
norm = torch.norm(self.vector, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1)#self.vector.square().sum(-1).sqrt().unsqueeze(-1)
return torch.where(norm > tolerance, torch.nn.functional.normalize(self.vector, dim=-1), torch.zeros_like(self.vector))

def axis(self):
return self.get_axis()

def _wrap_angle(self, theta):
"""Helper method: Wrap any angle to lie between -pi and pi
Odd multiples of pi are wrapped to +pi (as opposed to -pi)
return torch.remainder(theta + pi, 2 * pi) - pi

def angle(self):
"""Get the angle (in radians) describing the magnitude of the quaternion rotation about its rotation axis.
This is guaranteed to be within the range (-pi:pi) with the direction of
rotation indicated by the sign.
When a particular rotation describes a 180 degree rotation about an arbitrary
axis vector `v`, the conversion to axis / angle representation may jump
discontinuously between all permutations of `(-pi, pi)` and `(-v, v)`,
each being geometrically equivalent (see Note in documentation).
A real number in the range (-pi:pi) describing the angle of rotation
in radians about a Quaternion object's axis of rotation.
This feature only makes sense when referring to a unit quaternion.
Calling this method will implicitly normalise the Quaternion object to a unit quaternion if it is not already one.
norm = torch.norm(self.vector, dim=-1)
return self._wrap_angle(2.0 * torch.atan2(norm, self.scalar))

def axis_angle(self):
return self.angle.unsqueeze(-1) * self.axis

def rodriguez_vector(self):
return torch.tan(self.angle.unsqueeze(-1) / 2.) * self.axis

def is_quaternion(other):
return 'Quaternion' in other.__class__.__name__

def qfix_(q: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Enforce quaternion continuity across the time dimension by selecting
the representation (q or -q) with minimal distance (or, equivalently, maximal dot product)
between two consecutive frames.
Expects a tensor of shape (L, J, 4), where L is the sequence length and J is the number of joints.
Returns a tensor of the same shape.
assert len(q.shape) == 3
assert q.shape[-1] == 4

result = q.clone()
dot_products = torch.sum(q[1:] * q[:-1], dim=2)
mask = dot_products < 0
mask = (torch.cumsum(mask, dim=0) % 2).type(torch.bool)
result[1:][mask] *= -1
return result

def qfix_positive_(q: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Enforce quaternion w to be positive
Expects a tensor of shape (L, J, 4), where L is the sequence length and J is the number of joints.
Returns a tensor of the same shape.
assert q.shape[-1] == 4

mask = q[..., 0] < 0.
q_out = q.clone()
q_out[mask] *= -1.
return q_out

def weighted_mean_(q: torch.Tensor, w: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Computes weighted mean of multiple quaternions.
Expects a tensor of shape (*, N, 4), where N is the number of quaternions and a weight tensor of the same
or broadcastable shape. Weight have to sum up to 1.
Returns a tensor of the same shape.

Q = (q * w)
QQT = Q.transpose(-1, -2) @ Q
# There is a bug calculating the eigenvectors on GPU in torch 1.8
# TODO change on 1.9 (torch.linalg.eig)
mean_q_unnorm = torch.symeig('cpu'), eigenvectors=True)[1][..., -1].to(q.device)
mean_q = torch.nn.functional.normalize(mean_q_unnorm, dim=-1)
return mean_q

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