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Learn MongoDB

Key Annotations

  • @Document
  • @Field
  • @Id
  • @Indexed
  • @TextIndexed
  • @Transient
  • @PersistenceConstructor


Make use of online MongoDB cloud platform to create a Database and querying with it by using



Use POST /legostore/api to insert json to MongoDB

Use insert() method from MongoTemplate when you don't have an Id is null. A new Id will get generated.

If the object has an Id value: If Id value not already present in the collection, will use it to insert. Else MongoDB will throw a DuplicateKeyException

	"name": "NASA Apollo Saturn V",
	"difficulty": "MEDIUM",
	"theme": "NASA",
	"reviews": [
			"userName": "Joe",
			"rating": 9
	"deliveryInfo": {
		"deliveryDate": "2020-04-21",
		"deliveryFee": "50",
		"inStock": true
	"nbParts": 454


For Bulk insert use mongoTemplate.insertAll(Collection<T>)
For example:

    List.of(mcLarenSenna, skyPolice, milleniumFalcon, mindstormsEve));

Fetch All

Use GET /all to get all the values from MongoDB Collection

        "id": "5e9f369cda730013c3acb0e0",
        "name": "NASA Apollo Saturn V",
        "difficulty": "MEDIUM",
        "theme": "NASA",
        "reviews": [
                "userName": "Joe",
                "rating": 9
        "deliveryInfo": {
            "deliveryDate": "2020-04-21",
            "deliveryFee": 50,
            "inStock": true
        "nbParts": 0

Update a document

Use PUT /legostore/api to Update a Document to MongoDB. Here I have changed userName value.

If the object has no Id (Id is null), a new Id will get generated.

If the object has Id value

  • If Id value not already present, will use it
  • If Id value present, will update the document.
    "id": "5e9f369cda730013c3acb0e0",
    "name": "NASA Apollo Saturn V",
    "difficulty": "MEDIUM",
    "theme": "NASA",
    "reviews": [
            "userName": "Karthi",
            "rating": 9
    "deliveryInfo": {
        "deliveryDate": "2020-04-21",
        "deliveryFee": 50,
        "inStock": true
    "nbParts": 0

Delete a Document

Use DELETE /legostore/api/{id} to Delete a Document to MongoDB.

Example: /legostore/api/5e9f3533da730013c3acb0df

To verify this Delete, execute /all

Drop all the Documents from the MongoDB Collection

Use mongoTemplate.dropCollection(LegoSet.class)

Difference Between MongoTemplate and MongoRepository

MongoTemplate MongoRepository
+More flexible and powerful (more complex queries, aggregations) +Easier to use because they are a higher abstraction (90% cases)
-Low level; You need to know how Mongo queries work +Friendly syntax for filtering data
+ Build on top of JPA, consistent syntax, same methods as repositories over SQL
- Do not work on all use cases; Sometimes you need to fall back to the MongoTemplate


In order to create a Mongo Repository, refer below code snippet.

import com.techstack.mongo.model.LegoSet;

public interface LegoSetRepository extends MongoRepository<LegoSet, String> {

Method Name Composition

Spring Data can provide proxy implementation of queries based on method names:

  • findByLastName
  • findByAgeLessThan
  • findByActiveTrue

For more information refer JPA Query Methods and Query Creation

Custom Queries

For some business cases, you can't achieve your expectations using Query by method (like findBy). For those cases, use @Query annotation.


Query DSL

Don't always use @Query annotation which contains statically typed queries. Because, if you change your Class property you have to change your query accordingly.

To solve this issue, we can use QueryDSL.

  • QueryDSL allows us to write queries that are type safe.
  • No more magic Strings

How it works?

  • Scans all classes annotated with @Document and their children.
  • Generates "Query Types" during the process goal of Maven build.
    • For Example: for a LegoSet class ==> QLegoSet class.
  • We can then use query types in out code to build complex queries in a type safe manner.

Query DSL Maven Dependencies

To start using QueryDSL for Mongo we need to bring in:

  • Library Dependencies
  • Plugin

How to generate "Q" classes?

Execute maven goal mvn package. Once this process done, navigate to \target\classes\generated-sources\java\<your-mongodb-documents-package>\Qxxxxx

Query DSL Composite Filter

How to Apply multiple filters?
- Are in Stock
- Have delivery fee less than 50
- Have at least one review with a 10 rating

// build query
QLegoSet query = new QLegoSet("query");
BooleanExpression inStockFilter =  query.deliveryInfo.inStock.isTrue();
Predicate smallDeliveryFeeFilter =;
Predicate hasGreatReviews =;

Predicate bestBuysFilter = inStockFilter

// pass the query to findAll()
return (Collection<LegoSet>) this.legoSetRepository.findAll(bestBuysFilter);

Add another interface QuerydslPredicateExecutor to support Predicate.

public interface LegoSetRepository extends MongoRepository<LegoSet, String>, QuerydslPredicateExecutor<LegoSet> {

Data Projections

Our Manager wants a report on all the lego sets and their average rating so he can optimize sales.
It's mainly for
- Report purpose
- Aggregation
- Data Transformation

Full Text Search

Using @TextIndexed

  • you can add it on root level properties
  • You can add it on sub-documents and array elements

Data Migrations

At various occations you would thing about migrating your data by

  • changing the field name
  • marking certain field not to persist
  • removing certain field from the document
  • etc

Dut to this, your existing query may not work as it was.

How to do a safe migration?

  • By configure

  • It's a Java tool which helps you to manage changes in your MongoDB and synchronize them with your application.

Integration Testing


How can you run integration tests? Against
Which server/database?

There is full Spring support for writing integration tests

We can use an embedded (in memory) MongoDB Server for testing.


What should you test?

  • Any method that uses magic String (@Query)
  • Any projection or aggregations
  • Any query that is complex enough
  • Don't test base implementations (findById) or methods that will get implemented by Spring Data Mongo via a Proxy

Add In Memory Mongo Database

By add the following dependency in your pom file it would initiate an InMemory Mongo DB.

<!-- Embedded MongoDB for Testing -->

Document References

  • In normal RDBMS it's called as relationships (PrimaryKey and ForeignKey)
  • In MongoDB, in order to refer another document in your document you have to References.
    • using $ref and $id

LegoSet Collection

    "id": "123",
    "name": "NASA Apollo Saturn V",
    "paymentOption": {
        "$ref": "PaymentOptions",
        "$id": "567"

PaymentOptions Collection

  "_id": "567",
  "type": "CreditCard",
  "fee": 0

Good to know

  • Eager Loading / Serialization in Spring. Spring would load both parent and sub document
  • You can't traverse the object tree to query based on payment options json{ "paymentOptions.fee": 0 }
  • No cascading operations by default on parent-child relationships. You need to manually manage them.
  • But you can implement cascading operations via Mongo event listeners like onBeforeConvert
  • The Nature of NoSQL is to minimize relationships between collections. Use @DbRef only when really needed.

Find By Document Reference Id

  "paymentOptions": {
    "$ref": "paymentOptions",
    "$id": ObjectId("1233")


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