This is an interactive program for handling data related to growth rates of different bacteria at different temperatures.
To run bacteria_analyzer download Anaconda, download all the program files in one folder and run the main script in Spyder to interact with the program on the console.
Python 3.6.6
Spyder 3.3.2
IPython 7.1.1
See test.txt to see an example of the data that the program handles.
Each line in the test.txt file consists of the following fields:
- Temperature.
- Growth rate.
- Bacteria.
The bacteria field is a numeric code that correspond to one of the following bacteria names:
- 1 = Salmonella enterica.
- 2 = Bacillus cereus.
- 3 = Listeria.
- 4 = Brochothrix thermosphacta.
Example plots
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.