A list of links, books, and talks related to development
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Just a bunch of links and books I found useful
- Richard S. Sutton - Founding Father of Modern Computational Reinforcement Learning
- Geoffrey Hinton - The Godfather of Deep Learning
- Yann LeCun
- Yoshua Bengio
- The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master by Andrew Hunt & David Thomas
- Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftmanship by Robert C. Martin
- Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, Second Edition by Steve McConnell
- Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler
- Gang of Four - Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson & John Vlissides
- Head First Design Patterns by Eric Freeman
*Gang of Four's book might be too heavy for beginners, I recommend getting started with Head First Design Patterns
- Datmouth Course: Computer Networks -- want to program the Internet? by Andrew T. Campbell
- Slide Deck: Examples of Peer-to-Peer Applications
- BitTorrent Paper
- Gnutella Protocol
- Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies
- Princeton's Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies
- Bitcoin's Whitepaper
- Bitcoin's Developer Documentation
- Bitcoin's Developer Reference
- Bitcoin's GitHub Organization
- Bitcoin's Wiki
- Bitcoin's IRC Channels
- Bitcoin: Choose Your Wallet
- MultiChain - Blockchain Parameters
- Monax | Explainers: Blockchain Core Concepts and Smart Contracts
- (2016) DEVCON1: Understanding the Ethereum Blockchain Protocol - Vitalik Buterin
- (2016) R3CEV | Ethereum: Platform Review - Opportunities and Challenges for Private and Consortium Blockchain by Vitalik Buterin
- (2016) R3CEV | Ethereum Paper Executive Summary by Kathleen Breitman and Richard Gendal Brown
- Ethereum Design Rationale
- Ethereum VM & Execution Environment Overview
- (2016) YouTube: Introduction to Ethereum Smart Contract Development with Solidity (Part 1)
- (2016) YouTube: Introduction to Ethereum Smart Contract Development with Solidity (Part 2)
- Introduction to Smart Contracts
- Solidity in Depth - Contracts
- StackExchange: Where can I find some Solidity / Smart Contract source code examples?
- Technical Introduction to Events and Logs in Ethereum
- Truffle - A Development Framework for Ethereum
- Truffle: Interacting with your contracts
- Truffle: Running Migrations
- testrpc - A Node.js based Ethereum client for testing and development
- Ethereum Light Wallet: HD wallet that can store your private keys encrypted in the browser to allow you to run Ethereum dapps even if you're not running a local Ethereum node
- Ethereum Whisper: How to Whisper
- Authentication: BlockOne ID - Thomson Reuters Authentication/Entitlements Framework
- (2015) - The Economist: The Trust Machine
- (2016) - The Wall Street Journal: CIO Explainer: What Is Blockchain?
- Richard S. Sutton - Founding Father of Modern Computational Reinforcement Learning
- Dan Silver's Reinforcement Learning Course
- Artificial Intellgence: A Moder Approach 3rd Edition by Stuart Russel and Peter Norveig
- Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville
- EdX: Artificial Intelligence by Dan Klein and Peter Abbeel - UC Berkeley
- Coursera: Machine Learning by Andrew Ng
- CMU: Andrew W Moore's Set of Tutorials on Foundations of Probability, Statistics, ML and Data Mining Algos
- (2015) - arsTechnica: Debunking the biggest myths about artificial intelligence
- (2015) - Business Insider: The 3 biggest misconceptions about artificial intelligence, according to Facebook's expert - Yann LeCun
- (2015) - Bloomberg: Why 2015 Was a Breakthrough Year in Artificial Intelligence
- (2015) - Bloomberg: Computers Learn How to Paint Whatever You Tell Them To
- (2015) - Jason Kottke: Taking a neural net out for a walk
- Spring Handbook of Robotic
- Modelling and control of robot manipulators by Sciavicco, Lorenzo, Siciliano, Bruno
- Introduction to Robotics: Analysis, Control, Applications 2nd Edition by Saeed B. Niku
- Robot Modeling and Control by Mark W. Spong, Seth Hutchinson and M. Vidyasagar
- Use Wireshark to get source IP Address
- If sudo ifconfig eth0 doesn't work use: sudo ifconfig eth0
- Source IP for my test LIDAR was: sudo route add eth
- Make sure you check the stati IP assignment works: ifconfig -a
- You can the static IP and set the route while Gazebo is running
- Use: ip route list to check assigned IP routes
- From Jade back to Indigo - You Might Encounter Some Issues
- rosdep init Issue
- Q: Ubuntu logs in and out after driver installation, A: Purge Nvidia drivers and reinstall
Other causes might be due to the .Xauthority file, or lightdm
AskUbuntu: I am logged out immediately after logging in..
It might be helpful to check the .xsession-errors file.
$ vi ~/.xsession-errors