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Northcoders News Front-End

This is the Northcoders News Front-End. It's a minimalistic Reddit/Hacker News/ news aggregate site built using React. A link to the back-end can be found here.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

A live deployment can be accessed here -

To post, you will need to login as a user. It is recommended to login as jessjelly with any password.


nc-news has the following dependencies -

  • axios v0.18.0
  • moment v2.22.2;
  • react v16.4.1;
  • react-dom v16.4.1; and
  • react-scripts v1.1.4.

You can install these dependencies after cloning down the repo using npm i or installing them manually. After that, you can start it up using npm start.

Built With

nc-news has been built with -

  • React
  • HTML5; and,
  • CSS


John Harrington - jxh01753

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


  • The fine folks on the other end of nchelp;
  • The fine folks sitting nearby me who I bounced ideas off when I wrote this;
  • Fan and/or air cooling/conditioning manufacturers for keeping the temperature down; and,
  • for design inspiration.