A top down shooter game implemented in pygame
Justin Zhang justinz 15112 Spring 2020
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Socials Heroes is a pygame game and my 112 term project! You play as a
young adult driving a truck to his grandma's house because of a rat
infestation. This is the first act of a multiple part story of how you
become a social hero!
The game is a topdown shooter featuring two levels: the first being an autoscrolling,
autogenerating highway, and the second being a randomised dungeon level. Everytime you
play, the enemies that spawn and the map layout are different.
How To Run
Run game.py to start the game.
Libraries Needed
Only Pygame is needed
How to Control and Shortcuts
esc: pauses the game
wasd: moves player
mouse click: shoots bullets
These are some cheat codes
2,3,4: gives you a machine gun, shotgun, and mortar gun respectively
0: refills health
9: increases speed by one stage
The code of my term project is all selfwritten
with help from pygame documentation and building off of the ideas from
code.Pylet's youtube video tutorial on scrolling backgrounds
pygame documentation - https://www.pygame.org/docs/
scrolling implementation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AX8YU2hLBUg
The code of my term project is all selfwritten
with help from pygame documentation.
galar.png,galar.jpg - https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Galar
supermarket.png - https://www.deviantart.com/kyle-dove/art/Pokemon-Supermarket-82479847
logo.png - freelogodesign.org
color cat inspiration - https://www.pixilart.com/art/cat-sprite-01-279c04744561021
nyan cat sprite - http://www.pngmart.com/image/161514
tv sprite - http://pixelartmaker.com/art/3c9e31973bed56a
bed sprite - https://ya-webdesign.com/image/8-bit-potion-png/812518.html
box sprite - http://pixelartmaker.com/art/1d0a3a50abdbd82
waterbottle sprite - http://pixelartmaker.com/art/1ae4a8cfe9d503c
woodboard sprite - https://opengameart.org/content/seamless-wood-textures
The rest of the sprites are self drawn in GIMP.