FlightCalculator is a utility application that pulls the google flights api and gets all possible flights from an origin to a destination on selected date. After multiple requests it creates an average price and emails you of flights that are significantly less than the average. The collected data can also be used to find long term flight trends.
First fill out the config.properties file with the required information. The api key can be attrieved from https://developers.google.com/qpx-express/. The password must be the correct password for the from email. Also configure the from gmail to allow insecure emails. https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255?hl=en
mvn clean install
java -jar flightcalculator-jar-with-dependencies.jar [origin] [destination] [flightDate]
java -jar fightcalculator-jar-with-dependencies.jar den sea 8-1-2017
Also a cron job can be set up to run the java application on a regular basis.
crontab -e
0 */4 * * * java -jar fightcalculator-jar-with-dependencies.jar den sea 8-1-2017 // run the job every 4 hours
- QPX Express Api - Google Flights RestAPI
- Maven - Dependency Management
- Mail - Java mail
- Jimmy Chen github.com/jschen3
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details