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__ __(_) _ __ __| | ___ / _| __ _ _ _ | || |_ ___
\ \ /\ / /| || '_ \ / _` | / _ \| |_ / _` || | | || || __|/ __|
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Tool to quickly determine which processes or services are not defaults on Windows. Useful for CTFs, and maybe elsewhere as well!
Requires Python3 and pipenv
git clone git@github.com:jroblak/windefaults.git
cd windefaults
pipenv install
analyze.py [OPTIONS] FILE_PATH
--item_type [services|processes]
The type of items you're analyzing (default:
--version [2008|2012|2016|2019|10]
The version of Windows you're analyzing
(default: 10)
--help Show this message and exit.
: windefaults expects a csv file, with the first column being the name of the process
or service (this is the default Export-Csv
➜ pipenv run python analyze.py --version=2012 --item_type=services test/testcases/service-test.csv
The following non-default services were found:
[+] badservice