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ec2 performance tests

jpellerin edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 1 revision

To run the ec2 load tests, you will need the following on your local machine:

  • dynomite
  • python 2.5 or 2.6 (earlier may work)
  • boto 1.5 or better
  • optional: nosetests

You will need an active AWS account, and access to an AMI that includes:

  • erlang 12B-11 or better
  • python 2.5 or 2.6
  • ruby
  • rake
  • thrift

The test file is found in pylibs/test/ec2. It may be run on its own, or via nosetests. The following environment variables can be set to control test behavior and set ec2 connection parameters:

AWS_KEY                 -- your amazon key 
AWS_SECRET_KEY          -- your amazon secret key
AWS_SSH_KEY             -- your amazon ssh key name
AWS_SSH_KEY_PATH        -- path on disk to ssh key file

EC2_AMI                 -- your AMI name. AMI must have erlang R12B-1 or 
                           better, ruby, rake, python 2.5.1 or better, and
                           thrift installed
EC2_INSTANCE_TYPE       -- type of EC2 instances to start
EC2_INSTANCES           -- number of EC2 instances to start
EC2_RUN_TIME            -- length of time to run the load test
EC2_CLIENTS_PER_HOST    -- number of clients per instance
EC2_GET_THRESHOLD       -- If 99.9% of gets are not faster than this # of
                           milliseconds, the test fails
EC2_PUT_THRESHOLD       -- If 99.9% of puts are not faster than this # of
                           milliseconds, the test fails
EC2_DYNOMITE_BUILD_DIR  -- Directory to upload to and build in, on each
                           ec2 instance.
EC2_DYNOMITE_ARGS       -- Extra args to pass to dynomite start script
EC2_DYNOMITE_STORAGE    -- Dynomite storage module to use
EC2_LOAD_SCRIPT_ARGS    -- Extra args for load_thrift script
EC2_RAKE_ARGS           -- Extra args for rake (when building dynamo on each
                           ec2 instance)
EC2_SEPARATE_CLIENT     -- (flag) If true, run clients on separate instances
                           from servers. Default is to run both client and
                           server on same instance.

Command line options, when run as a script (not available under nosetests):

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --aws-key=AWS_KEY, --key=AWS_KEY
                        AWS key (the short one)
  --aws-secret-key=AWS_SECRET_KEY, --secret-key=AWS_SECRET_KEY
                        AWS secret key (the long one)
  --aws-ssh-key=AWS_SSH_KEY, --ssh-key=AWS_SSH_KEY
                        Name of AWS ssh key pair to use
  --aws-ssh-key-path=AWS_SSH_KEY_PATH, --ssh-key-path=AWS_SSH_KEY_PATH
                        Path on disk to AWS ssh private key file associated
                        with chosen ssh key pair name
  --ec2-ami=EC2_AMI, --ami=EC2_AMI
                        ID of the AMI to use when starting ec2 instances
  --ec2-type=EC2_TYPE, --type=EC2_TYPE
                        Type of instances to start (default: m1.small)
  --ec2-instances=EC2_INSTANCES, --instances=EC2_INSTANCES
                        Number of instances to start (default: 4)
  --ec2-run-time=EC2_RUN_TIME, --run-time=EC2_RUN_TIME
                        Number of seconds to run the test (default: 300)
  --ec2-clients=EC2_CLIENTS, --clients=EC2_CLIENTS
                        Number of client threads per host (default: 10)
                        If 99.9% of gets are not faster than this # of
                        milliseconds, the test fails (default: 300)
                        If 99.9% of puts are not faster than this # of
                        milliseconds, the test fails (default: 300)
  --dynomite-build-dir=DYN_DIR, --dynomite-dir=DYN_DIR
                        Directory to upload to and build in, on each ec2
                        Dynomite storage module to use
                        Extra args to pass to dynomite start script on each
                        Extra args to pass to load script on each node
                        Extra args to pass to rake when building dynomite on
                        each node
  --separate-client     Run clients on separate instances from servers

Example and recent results:

python test/ec2/ --ec2-ami=xxx --type=c1.medium --run-time=600

[... lots of progress output snipped ... ]

gets: 23502 puts: 23502 collisions: 0
get avg: 14.1821250.3ms median: 7.9438690.3ms 99.9: 228.2829280.3ms
put avg: 19.9633930.3ms median: 11.6100310.3ms 99.9: 191.6468140.3ms
  10% <   1.790ms
  20% <   2.918ms
  30% <   4.905ms
  40% <   6.386ms
  50% <   7.941ms
  60% <  10.555ms
  70% <  13.275ms
  80% <  18.824ms
  90% <  29.427ms
 100% < 3685.608ms
  10% <   3.440ms
  20% <   4.979ms
  30% <   6.438ms
  40% <   8.214ms
  50% <  11.607ms
  60% <  15.936ms
  70% <  22.062ms
  80% <  31.926ms
  90% <  47.970ms
 100% < 3778.776ms
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