Releases: joshfinnie/pushfile
Releases · joshfinnie/pushfile
- Package update:
- Bump @babel/cli to 7.10.5
- Bump @babel/core to 7.10.5
- Bump @babel/polyfill to 7.10.4
- Bump @babel/preset-env to 7.10.4
- Bump @babel/register to 7.10.5
- Bump aws-sdk to 2.721.0
- Bump chalk to 4.1.0
- Bump commander to 6.0.0
- Bump eslint to 7.5.0
- Bump eslint-config-airbnb-base to 14.2.0
- Bump eslint-config-prettier to 6.11.0
- Bump eslint-plugin-import to 2.22.0
- Bump eslint-plugin-prettier to 3.1.4
- Bump figlet to 1.5.0
- Bump inquirer to 7.3.3
- Bump mime-types to 2.1.27
- Bump mocha to 8.0.1
- Bump prettier to 2.0.5
- Bump rollup to 2.23.0
- Bump rollup-plugin-terser to 6.1.0
- Bump uglify-js to 3.10.0
- Modified the base command structure to match Commander 6.0.0.
- Package updates
- Bump eslint-config-prettier to 6.3.0
- Bump hashids to 2.0.1
- Bump rollup to 1.21.4
- Bump eslint-plugin-prettier to 3.1.1
- Bump @babel/cli to 7.6.2
- Bump aws-sdk to 2.537.0
- Bump @babel/core to 7.6.2
- Bump @babel/preset-env to 7.6.2
- Bump @babel/register to 7.6.2
- Bump rollup-plugin-terser to 5.1.2
Version 1.0.0 🎉
first v1 release (#80)
0.2.0: Files are now public by default
version bump, adding Matthew, and starting a changlog.