Would you like to build amazing apps at scale by leverage the power of Edge and Serverless Computing? Would you like to run custom logic closer to end-users whilst improving the performance of you app?
Here's where Akamai EdgeWorkers shines! It empowers development at the edge and allows developers to deploy JavaScript functions on Akamai Edge Platform to optimize site performance and customize Web experiences.
The EdgeWorkers allows you to deploy JavaScript code at the edge and create customized experiences for your website visitors. Like most serverless solutions, EdgeWorkers scripts are invoked at the four different phases of an HTTP request. This provides an opportunity to improve performance, by moving compute closer to your users. Using every edge server as a compute node also accelerates your development and deployment times by applying solutions on a massive scale across the entire, globally distributed, Akamai Intelligent Edge Platform.
Once you add EdgeWorkers to your configuration, developers can activate code outside of Control Center. Just activate custom scripts and efficiently implement site enhancements. You can write functions that access HTTP headers, cookies, and URLs in order to construct complex logic. With access to both content targeting data and device characteristics, you can build personalized solutions based on the location or the type of device making the request. Here are some examples of how you can use the EdgeWorkers service:
- Redirect requests based on geography, device, and user-agent.
- Apply conditional logic to filter traffic and construct responses.
- Add or remove debug information from an HTTP message.
- Respond with custom error responses, even when the origin is down.
For more information please visit the Akamai EdgeWorkers User Guide.
In this repository you can find some serverless logic examples using Akamai EdgeWorkers. This is a good starting point if you want to play with it. More example can be found under the Akamai Edgeworkers Github page here