Install these platforms and package managers:
- Anaconda
- Node.js
- MongoDB
Install the Anaconda packages with this command:
conda init <shell name>
conda create --name organizer keras-gpu "tensorflow-gpu<2" autopep8 pylint dill opencv scikit-learn flask --yes
This instructs the model manager to train every model in its library (train, evaluate, and reclaim storage space). Current working directory must be <project-home>/
python python/ --all --train --evaluate --removebad
Current working directory must be <project-home>/
python python/
Current working directory must be <project-home>/client
npm start
Windows 10 blocks scripts by default. Anaconda uses scripts to change Python virtual environments. To get around this, wrap each Python command:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoExit -Command "& conda activate organizer; python python/ --all --train --evaluate --removebad"