Variational Monte Carlo implemented for the 1D Heisenberg Model and the Haldane-Shastry Model using a Gutzwiller projected wave function as the initial ansatz. (Fortran90)
---------------------- Variational Monte Carlo 1D --------------------
Author: João Augusto Sobral da Silva / Github: @joaosds
The code is commented, and each subroutine has a brief description (B.D.) of its functionality. For any discussions you can contact me at Github!
v1.0 (08/27/20) - First implementation in f90
Future intended changes:
- implementation of modern fortran (>=2008);
- python script for plots;
- python interface to link both the fortran file and the plots automatically;
- spin spin correlation for long range haldane-shastry;
- Implement automatic routine to check if input matrix is ill conditioned and employ the svd - or other method - to obtain the pseudo-inverse/inverse matrix; ---------------------- Informations ---------------------------------
File 'random.f90' - All codes responsible for random generating numbers and related quantities.
File 'vmcvariables.f90' - Global variables
File 'modelvmc.f90' - retains the lattice definition, energy and spin-spin calculation and initial wavefunction.
File 'inputpar.dat': Input parameters as following: N, seed -> Chain Length and random seed; nz, sweep -> Number of next neighbors considered in the model / values used after the thermalization for the mean calculation; thermalization -> steps for themalization of the MC algorithm; Nbin - > Bin number for calculation of the means.
File 'meanene.dat': saves the energy obtained from nonlocal+local method and only local methods (best suitable for large N).
File 'spincor.dat': saves the z component of the spin-spin correlations;
Note: One can change line 116 and 117 to inversesvd if the input matrices are ill-conditioned. This may improve a little the accuracy of the algorithm.