A project builder for PHP. Creates a folder structure and an empty Application class with namespace. He alsos downloads the composer.phar e generate a composer.json config file.
The usage is simple. We have two params:
- project-name = The name of your project. Will be the name of the root folder and the principal namespace;
- destiny-folder = Where project-builder will place your project (Optional);
You can run Project Builder with this command:
php bin/project-builder.php [project-name] [destiny-folder]
The root folder will receive the name of your project. The folder structure looks like this:
- bin
- public
- src
- tests
Here we have the composer.phar downloaded from the official website.
An index.php file and a .htaccess is placed here.
A folder with the name of your project is here with an Application class inner.
This folder have the same of the src folder, expcets that the Application class is a Test class.