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Adds xonsh language support for VSCode Editor.


  • Syntax Highlight

    • the tmLanguage file from MagicPython extension is used.

    • code snippets inside markdown files also work.

  • Other IDE like features using Language server protocol.

    • pylsp is used for jedi completion.


Visual Studio Code

Hit F1 and enter the ext install jnoortheen.xonsh command or search for xonsh .


  • Make sure that pylsp is installed and available on the $PATH
  • I recommend using pipx
pipx install 'python-lsp-server[all]'
  • Previous versions of this extension used the older pyls by Palantir. Further development is taking place in the community fork pylsp. Due to the way configuration variables are handled, this extension is NOT backwards compatible with pyls. If you must use pyls, please downgrade to version 0.1.13.


I have created this extension since there were none to support Xonsh. PRs are welcome to add new features/fixes.

Please make sure that you

  • Document the purpose of functions and classes.
  • When adding a new feature, please mention it in the Features section. Use screenshots when applicable.
  • Conventional Commit style should be used for commit messages as it is used to generate changelog.


  • TypeScript is used to develop the extension
  yarn install
  yarn build # this will build the extension


yarn release
  • Github CI is configured to publish the extensions to VSCode and OpenVSCode registries

Special thanks to

  • The extension sublime-coconut does support coconut language. Which is also a superset of Python.
