First you need to install Spatie Server Monitor Package.
Then you need to install this package
composer require jcergolj/extra-checks-for-spatie-laravel-server-monitor
Finally add the following checks to config\server-monitor.php
'checks' => [
'diskspace' => Spatie\ServerMonitor\CheckDefinitions\Diskspace::class,
'elasticsearch' => Spatie\ServerMonitor\CheckDefinitions\Elasticsearch::class,
'memcached' => Spatie\ServerMonitor\CheckDefinitions\Memcached::class,
'mysql' => Spatie\ServerMonitor\CheckDefinitions\MySql::class,
'cpu-load' => Jcergolj\CustomChecks\CpuLoadCheck::class,
'redis' => Jcergolj\CustomChecks\RedisCheck::class,
'redis-memory' => Jcergolj\CustomChecks\RedisMemoryCheck::class,
'horizon-artisan-command' => Jcergolj\CustomChecks\HorizonArtisanCommandCheck::class,
'horizon-supervisor' => Jcergolj\CustomChecks\HorizonSupervisorCheck::class,
'horizon-worker' => Jcergolj\CustomChecks\HorizonWorkerCheck::class,
'queue-worker' => Jcergolj\CustomChecks\QueueWorkerCheck::class,
'db-connection-count' => Jcergolj\CustomChecks\DbConnectionCountCheck::class,
It checks server loads in last 1, 5 and 15 minutes
It executes this command on the server: uptime
You can specify cpu load threshold in server-monitor.php
config file. If it isn't provided the
default values are 1.3.
// config/server-monitor.php
'cpu_load' => [
'one_minute_threshold' => 1.6,
'five_minute_threshold' => 1.2,
'fifteen_minute_threshold' => 1.1,
It checks if Redis is running.
It executes this command on the server: redis-cli ping
It checks the current redis memory consumption.
It executes this command on the server: redis-cli info memory
You can specify redis memory threshold in server-monitor.php
config file. Default value is 5MB.
// config/server-monitor.php
'redis' => [
'memory_threshold' => 6000000,
It checks if horizon artisan process is running.
It executes this command on the server: ps aux | grep -E ".*php([0-9]\.[0-9])? .*artisan horizon$" | grep -v grep
You can specify the number of horizon processes that should run on the server in server-monitor.php
config file. The default value is 1.
// config/server-monitor.php
'horizon' => [
'artisan_command_processes' => 2,
It checks if horizon supervisor process is running.
It executes this command on the server: ps aux | grep -E ".*php([0-9]\.[0-9])? .*artisan horizon:supervisor" | grep -v grep
You can specify the number of horizon supervisor processes that should run on the server in server-monitor.php
config file. Default value is 1.
// config/server-monitor.php
'horizon' => [
'supervisor_processes' => 2,
It checks if horizon worker process is running.
It executes this command on the server: ps aux | grep -E ".*php([0-9]\.[0-9])? .*artisan horizon:work" | grep -v grep
You can specify the number of min and max horizon worker processes that should run on the server in server-monitor.php
config file. The default value is 1 for both min and max.
// config/server-monitor.php
'horizon' => [
'min_worker_processes' => 2,
'max_worker_processes' => 2,
It checks if queue worker process is running.
It executes this command on the server: ps aux | grep -E ".*php([0-9]\.[0-9])? .*artisan queue:work" | grep -v grep
You can specify the number of queue worker processes that should run on the server in server-monitor.php
config file. The default value is 1.
// config/server-monitor.php
'queue' => [
'worker_processes' => 2,
It checks if the number of mysql connections.
It executes this command on the server: netstat -an | grep 3306 | grep ESTABLISHED
You can specify the db connection threshold in server-monitor.php
config file. The default value is 40.
// config/server-monitor.php
'mysql' => [
'connections' => 50,
return [
* These are the checks that can be performed on your servers. You can add your own
* checks. The only requirement is that they should extend the
* `Spatie\ServerMonitor\Checks\CheckDefinitions\CheckDefinition` class.
'checks' => [
'diskspace' => Spatie\ServerMonitor\CheckDefinitions\Diskspace::class,
'elasticsearch' => Spatie\ServerMonitor\CheckDefinitions\Elasticsearch::class,
'memcached' => Spatie\ServerMonitor\CheckDefinitions\Memcached::class,
'mysql' => Spatie\ServerMonitor\CheckDefinitions\MySql::class,
* The default value for how often the checks will run,
* after the last successful one.
'next_run_in_minutes' => env('SERVER_MONITOR_NEXT_RUN_IN_MINUTES', 10),
* The performance of the package can be increased by allowing a high number
* of concurrent ssh connections. Set this to a lower value if you're
* getting weird errors running the check.
'concurrent_ssh_connections' => 5,
* This string will be prepended to the ssh command generated by the package.
'ssh_command_prefix' => '',
* This string will be appended to the ssh command generated by the package.
'ssh_command_suffix' => '',
'notifications' => [
'notifications' => [
Spatie\ServerMonitor\Notifications\Notifications\CheckSucceeded::class => [],
Spatie\ServerMonitor\Notifications\Notifications\CheckRestored::class => ['slack'],
Spatie\ServerMonitor\Notifications\Notifications\CheckWarning::class => ['slack'],
Spatie\ServerMonitor\Notifications\Notifications\CheckFailed::class => ['slack'],
* To avoid burying you in notifications, we'll only send one every given amount
* of minutes when a check keeps emitting warning or keeps failing.
'throttle_failing_notifications_for_minutes' => 60,
// Separate the email by , to add many recipients
'mail' => [
'to' => '',
'slack' => [
'webhook_url' => env('SERVER_MONITOR_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL'),
* Here you can specify the notifiable to which the notifications should be sent. The default
* notifiable will use the variables specified in this config file.
'notifiable' => \Spatie\ServerMonitor\Notifications\Notifiable::class,
* The date format used in notifications.
'date_format' => 'd/m/Y',
* To add or modify behaviour to the `Host` model you can specify your
* own model here. The only requirement is that they should
* extend the `Host` model provided by this package.
'host_model' => Spatie\ServerMonitor\Models\Host::class,
* To add or modify behaviour to the `Check` model you can specify your
* own model here. The only requirement is that they should
* extend the `Check` model provided by this package.
'check_model' => Spatie\ServerMonitor\Models\Check::class,
* Right before running a check it's process will be given to this class. Here you
* can perform some last minute manipulations on it before it will
* actually be run.
* This class should implement Spatie\ServerMonitor\Manipulators\Manipulator
'process_manipulator' => Spatie\ServerMonitor\Manipulators\Passthrough::class,
* Thresholds for disk space's alert.
'diskspace_percentage_threshold' => [
'warning' => 80,
'fail' => 90,
'cpu_load' => [
'one_minute_threshold' => 1.4,
'five_minute_threshold' => 1.4,
'fifteen_minute_threshold' => 1.4,
'redis' => [
'memory_threshold' => 5000000,
'horizon' => [
'artisan_command_processes' => 1,
'supervisor_processes' => 1,
'min_worker_processes' => 1,
'max_worker_processes' => 1,
'queue' => [
'worker_processes' => 1,
'mysql' => [
'connections' => 40,
// host specific config values
// you can override all or only some values on a host to host basis
// replace dots in host name string with underscores
// => host_name_com
'host_name_one_com' => [
'cpu_load' => [
'one_minute_threshold' => 0.9,
'host_name_two_com' => [
'cpu_load' => [
'one_minute_threshold' => 1.2,
'five_minute_threshold' => 1.2,
'fifteen_minute_threshold' => 1.2,
'redis' => [
'memory_threshold' => 40000,
'horizon' => [
'artisan_command_processes' => 2,
'supervisor_processes' => 2,
'min_worker_processes' => 1,
'max_worker_processes' => 2,
'queue' => [
'worker_processes' => 2,
'mysql' => [
'connections' => 10,
How are custom values obtained? First we check if host specific value exists, then the general one in the config lastly if there is none the default value is used.