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In this opportunity I have developed a stylized text encryptor under the theme of matrix. This application has the function to encode and decode text messages in a simple way. With the aim of exchanging information with other people in a safe and fun way.
Developed with HTML5, CSS, Boostrap 5 for the frontend and JavaScript in the encryption / decryption functions.
Deploy : Github-Pages
- Function to work only with lowercase letters.
- Control of accents and special characters.
- Convert a word for the encrypted version also return an encrypted word for its original version.
- Copy the encrypted/decrypted text for the transfer section to the browser clipboard.
- Styles for navbar, main, sections, footer.
- Interactive modal on navbar responsive.
🎨 CSS3:
- Media Query for Desktop, Tablet and Smartphone.
- Effects for the hover on the buttons.
- Customizations to properties of the elements in the page.
- Flexbox.
🔧 HTML5:
- BEM methodology for CSS3 classes and components.
Work on an application that encrypts texts, so you will be able to exchange secret messages with other people who know the secret of the encryption used.
The encryption "keys" we will use are as follows:
- The letter "e" is converted to "enter".
- The letter "i" is converted to "imes".
- The letter "a" is converted to "ai".
- The letter "o" is converted to "ober".
- The letter "u" is converted to "ufat".