- Java SDK 9 Early Access (or later)
- IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1 (or later with support for Java 9 modules)
- Maven 3 (maven-compiler-plugin v3.6.2 support for compiling java 9 modules)
- JavaFX with Java 9 (using modules)
- SQLiteConnectionPoolDataSource
- SQLite-native (as backend db, native x86_64 binary libs included in below driver)
- Forked Xerial SQLite JDBC Driver (v3.20.0) with support for encryption (SQLCipher)
This demo application is built to show you how you can structure your desktop JavaFX app similar to the Robotlegs approach. The structure in this app is highly inspired by Yennick Trevels blog post with using direct calls with interfaces over events because that makes it easier to follow the flow of your application. However this example does not use any dependency injection framework such as guice since I wanted to keep it as pure Java 9 as possible for instructional purposes. This app is also built with the new module approach in Java 9. The UI is built with pure Java code instead of using fxml since I prefer it that way giving me more control over my code. Also the UI is built to be resizable meaning the UI-components adapt their size when the main application window is being resized.
SQLite with Forked Xerial SQLite JDBC Driver (v3.20.0) with support for encryption (SQLCipher) is used as a backend with pure JDBC-calls for instructional purpose. The driver has native binary libs (dll, jnilib, so) included for 64-bit Windows x86_64, MacOSX x86_64 and Linux x86_64 platforms.
The application creates and populates an encrypted JavaFx-structure-demo.db file under the user home directory, System.getProperty("user.home").
- MacOS
- Windows
- Linux
compile and package with Maven/Java 9 SDK
- mvn package
Please note that you have to do mvn install
first on sqlite-jdbc-sqlcipher
projects so that the depending jar is installed in your .m2 maven repo.
Run the following jlink command from the target catalog
- MacOS (51 MB) Obviously this can be stripped down further removing the binaries not used for MacOSX in
jlink --output release/JavaFx-structure-demo --compress=2 --strip-debug --module-path="JavaFx-structure-demo-1.0.jar:$HOME/.m2/repository/org/xerial/sqlite-jdbc-sqlcipher/3.20.0/sqlite-jdbc-sqlcipher-3.20.0.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-9.jdk/Contents/Home/jmods" --add-modules sqlite.jdbc
- Windows (51,4 MB) Obviously this can be stripped down further removing the binaries not used for Windows in
jlink --output release/JavaFx-structure-demo --compress=2 --strip-debug --module-path="JavaFx-structure-demo-1.0.jar;%homepath%.m2\repository\org\xerial\sqlite-jdbc-sqlcipher\3.20.0\sqlite-jdbc-sqlcipher-3.20.0.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9\jmods" --add-modules sqlite.jdbc
copy the libeay32.dll (shell\Windows\x86_64\libeay32.dll) from the sqlite-jdbc-sqlcipher
project into your release\JavaFx-structure-demo\bin folder.
- Linux (62 MB) Obviously this can be stripped down further removing the binaries not used for Linux in
jlink --output release/JavaFx-structure-demo --compress=2 --strip-debug --module-path="JavaFx-structure-demo-1.0.jar:$HOME/.m2/repository/org/xerial/sqlite-jdbc-sqlcipher/3.20.0/sqlite-jdbc-sqlcipher-3.20.0.jar:/opt/jdk-9/jmods" --add-modules sqlite.jdbc
From the release/JavaFx-structure-demo/bin folder run:
- MacOS/Linux
./java -m com.example/com.example.Main
- Windows
.\javaw -m com.example/com.example.Main
Use the javapackager
if you want to make a native package for distribution, more about that here