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Security: jasurhaydarovcode/GEADEZIST


Xavfsizlik Siyosati | Security Policy

🇺🇿 O‘zbekcha

Qo‘llab-quvvatlanadigan Versiyalar

Versiya Qo‘llab-quvvatlanadi
5.1.x ✅ Ha
5.0.x ❌ Yo‘q
4.0.x ✅ Ha
< 4.0 ❌ Yo‘q

Zaiflikni Xabar Qilish

  1. Qayerga Xabar Berish

    • Xavfsizlik formasi orqali yoki email yuboring.
    • Muammo tafsilotlarini iloji boricha to‘liq taqdim eting.
  2. Javob Vaqti

    • Xabaringiz qabul qilinganini 48 soat ichida tasdiqlaymiz.
    • Keyingi bosqichlar haqida 5 kun ichida ma’lumot beramiz.
  3. Keyingi Qadamlar

    • Agar zaiflik jiddiy bo‘lsa, tuzatish chiqaramiz va sizni reliz yozuvlarida ko‘rsatamiz (yoki anonim qoldiramiz).

🇬🇧 English

Supported Versions

Version Supported
5.1.x ✅ Yes
5.0.x ❌ No
4.0.x ✅ Yes
< 4.0 ❌ No

Reporting a Vulnerability

  1. Where to Report

    • Submit via security form or send an email.
    • Provide as much detail as possible about the issue.
  2. Response Time

    • We will acknowledge your report within 48 hours.
    • A detailed update will follow within 5 business days.
  3. Next Steps

    • If the issue is critical, we will release a patch promptly and credit you in release notes (or keep you anonymous if requested).

There aren’t any published security advisories