Hello Everyone, We've developed a cosmetic e-comm website Glamox. Currently, we are pursuing the Full Stack Web Development course at Masai School.
Glamox : It is an Indian e-commerce cosmetics company. It sells beauty, wellness and fashion products across websites and mobile apps.
Rajesh Kumar
Tejasvi Bishnoi
MD Faizan
Jagroshan Singh
Deepak Pradhan
HTML, CSS , JS, React, TS, Redux, ChakraUI, API, JSON-server
First we created a Slack and WhatsApp group to establish communication between all the team members. Then we connected over zoom meet for further discussion about assigned project.
In zoom meet we divideed small parts of project to all the team-member, next all are collecting raw data for project which content is better to merge and easy to complete work.
Daily we connect a meet after scrum then discuss about past days work and that day work, any one have issue all the team member helps to solve the problem.
All push the data in Git-hub to their respective branch and merge to main branch.
Finally we make the presentation of the project.
-We all became proficient in understanding the code of the team members. -How to work and communicate with a team. -Implementation of Redux in a full fledged e-com website -Using different react hooks to enhance quality of code -Integrating TypeScipt in a normal ReactJs project. -Using Routing and PrivateRoutes in a project.
Website Link:- https://64941ad15525f60a6605076c--legendary-cactus-0fef94.netlify.app/
Source Code:- https://github.com/rajeshdeo/axiomatic-yard-6345
Presentation Link:- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GPEVZxiQPQqsdO3vcRh7KMCi2PS4fz-G/view
We hope this article will help in establishing better understanding of our project.