2D Game engine running in Java.
Ensures consistant updating regardless of system performance. Keeps game at target frame rate.
- Dynamically scales game to fit any window size.
- Maintains aspect ratio of base resolution.
- Full screen support.
- Corrects mouse position.
- Program graphics relative to base resolution. The display manager will scale and adjust accordingly.
- Program updates using the given delta value. Use this value to scale all time based actions (such as speed, pixels/second).
- Input Manager handles checking if keys or mouse buttons are pressed, released, or held.
- Find good name for engine.
- Ensure proper frame timing.
- Re-work room system.
- Re-work prop system.
- Re-work sprite system.
- Implement buffer strategy.
- Implement gamepad support.
- Implement resolution scaling system.
- Implement anti-aliasing solution.
- Make game using engine to demonstrate.
In its current state I do not reccomend that you use this engine for your game as there are still some kinks to be worked out. The level and object systems are planned to be re-worked and the engine serves more of a tech demo purpose at the moment.