#Drone Autonomous Searching System
A program that makes drone search in a closed area autonomously. By observing surroundings with a front-facing stereo camera (had no budget for 3 or 4 stereo cameras), it detects obstacles and avoids them in real-time. No foreknowledge of the environment is required. I use opencv cascade classifiers for detecting and searching for humans in a closed area.
The obstacle avoidance and human detection parts are written in c++, and then are wrapped as a nodejs binding for controlling drone using nodejs. (Since the third-party ARDrone2.0 nodejs client is much easier to program.)
- ARDrone 2.0
- Stereolab ZED stereo camera
- Visual Studio 2013 (2015 is not supported by cuda 7.0)
- Visual Studio 2012 redistributable x64
- node v0.12.x
- python 2.7 (for npm modules)
- cmake-js v2.1.0
- Nvidia Driver
- CUDA 7.0
- ZED SDK v0.9.2
- OpenCV 2.4.9
###Add Path
- Add
(opencv_2.4.9 root)\build
(absolute path) as system variableOPENCV_DIR
- Add
(opencv_2.4.9 root)\build\x64\vc12\bin
(ausolute path) toPath
##Build & Run
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ npm install (to install dependent npm modules)
$ npm run build (to build)
$ npm start (to start)