Music Releases watcher bot & downloader (firedrive support, oboom & uploaded via Supports uploading of unpacked releases to remote host via rsync ssh and notifications via email.
- python 2.7 (actually used to run the bot itself)
- python-sqlite3 module (database driver used for storing waiting queue)
- python-requests (used to fetch web pages)
- python-lxml (used to parse html)
- python selenium (webdriver api to control phantomjs)
- aria2c (actually used to download files in multi-threading mode)
- unrar (used to unpack archives)
- rsync (used to upload releases to remote storage host)
- fping (used to check if remote storage is alive)
- active account (to send releases notifications via email)
- ssh access via public key to remote storage
- phantomjs >= 1.9.7 (used to "hack" to get direct download link)