Inkdrop data model definitions in json-schema and TypeScript
Human readable definitions are here.
npm install inkdrop-model
import type { Note, Book, Tag, File } from 'inkdrop-model'
import { NoteSchema, BookSchema, TagSchema, FileSchema } from 'inkdrop-model'
You can validate data with json schemas. Below example uses ajv as a validator:
import { NoteSchema } from 'inkdrop-model'
import Ajv from 'ajv'
const ajv = new Ajv()
const validate = ajv.compile(NoteSchema)
const data = {
_id: 'note:BkgOZZUJzf',
title: 'link',
doctype: 'markdown',
updatedAt: 1513330812556,
createdAt: 1513214207639,
tags: [],
status: 'none',
share: 'private',
body: 'markdown note body',
bookId: 'book:first',
_rev: '38-636e505958d24f9c21614d95ea03b5a1'
const valid = validate(data)
console.log(valid) // => true