tiny6502 is a multi-pass cross-assembler for 65xx-based microprocessors. Currently only the 6502, Rockwell R65C00, WDC 65C02 and WDC 65C816 CPUs are supported, but support for more processors may be added in the future.
tiny6502 is a subset of its larger .Net cousin, 6502.Net. Most basic functionality in that assembler is available. Assembly syntax is somewhat TASS-Compatible, where statements follow the general style of:
label mnemonic operand comment
or alternatively
constant = expression
Source is C99 compatible, and macOS and Linux users should be able to run make
with the repository Makefile as-is. Windows users will need to install the MinGW package, or customize the Makefile to work with their setup.
The application accepts as a parameter the input source file. The below would simply output a source file to the default binary a.out
tiny6502 mysource.asm
Other options are available, including output file name, assembly listing, and target format:
tiny6502 mysource.asm -o myprogram.prg --format cbm --list mylist.asm
The -c
option is required to specify the target CPU if it is not the 6502. Valid arguments are 6502
, 65C02
, and 65816
tiny6502 my_supernes_game.asm -o my_supernes_rom.bin --format flat --cpu 65816
Use the --help
option for a full list of all available options.
Number literals can be expressed in the form of hexadecimal, decimal and binary integers.
border = 53280
chrout = $ffd2
mask = %01111111
For readability digits can be separated by underscores.
String and single character literals are expressed inside pairs of quote "
and apostrophe '
characters, respectively.
lda #'A'
jsr chrout
.string "HELLO"
tiny6502 also recognizes C/C++ string escape characters, including octal, hex and Unicode escape sequences.
.string "HELLO\n\t\tWORLD"
lda #'\x93' ; clear screen
jsr chrout
.string "\u03c0" ; π
Operands are comprised of single number or char literals, or of math expressionss.
lda #(40+COLUMNS*12)/NUM_ROWS
Available math operations are in order from highest to lowest precedence:
Operator | Operation | Example |
- | Negative | -7 |
! | Not | !true |
~ | Complement | ~255 |
^^ | Power | 2 ^^ 3 |
* | Multiply | 5 * 2 |
/ | Divide | 18 / 3 |
% | Modulo | 4 % 8 |
+ | Add | 1 + 1 |
- | Subtract | 2 - 7 |
<< | Left shift | 1 << 16 |
>> | Right shift | 256 >> 4 |
>>> | Arithmetic shift | -2 >>> 1 |
< | Less than | 1 < 2 |
<= | Less or euqal | 2 <= 7 |
>= | Greater/equal | 5 >= 2 |
> | Greater than | 9 > 6 |
<=> | Three-way compare | 5 <=> 9 |
== | Equal | 4/2 == 2 |
!= | Not equal | 8 != 2 |
& | Bitwise AND | $ff & $f |
^ | Bitwise XOR | 8 ^ 2 |
| | Bitwise OR | 4 |
&& | Logical AND | 5>2 && 1 |
|| | Logical OR | 1 |
< | LSB | <$ffd2 |
> | MSB | >$c000 |
The assembler supports C/C++ style comments, both inline //
and multi-line /*
ldx #0 // reset .X
/* initialize/reset
buffer region */
sta buffer,x
For backward compatibility semi-colons ;
also mark the start of inline comments.
lda #0 ; reset accumulator
The *
symbol is used to change or read the state of the current program counter.
* = 49152 ;set program start address to 49152
lda *+13 ;read 13 bytes from current program counter
Generally tiny6502 will choose the smallest sized addressing mode possible. For instance, the following is by default assumed to be a zero/direct page operation:
lda $02
The assembler can explicitly be told to treat this operation instead as an absolute addressing mode operation by specifying the operand bitwidth in square []
lda [16] $02 // is interpreted as lda $0002
Bitwidth size can be 8, 16 and 24 (for 65816 long mode instructions).
Labels can be forward referenced and are resolved after first pass. Colons can follow labels but are optional.
lda #0
loop: sta buffer,x
bne loop
Generally, labels can only be defined once per source, unless preceded by an underscore _
character, which makes them local to the most recent "regular" label.
label1 inx
bne _done
jsr output
_done rts
label2 dex
beq _done ; different from above
jmp somewhere
_done rts
In addition, anonymous forward and backward labels are supported.
- cpx #6
beq ++
bcs +
jmp less_than_six
+ jmp greater_than_six
+ jmp equal_to_six
Several pseudo-ops allow for data assembly: .byte
for single byte values, .word
for two byte values, .long
for three byte values, and .dword
for four bytes.
.byte $7f,$e2,$97,$00,$1f,-2
.word $fffc,$fffe
.long $ff_ffff
.dword $feedface
For string data, there are several string-related pseudo-ops.
.string "HELLO" ; compiles to: $48,$45,$4c,$4c,$4f
.cstring "HELLO" ; null-terminates string
.pstring "HELLO" ; string data starts with a byte header denoting size
.lstring "HELLO" ; shift all bits left, set low bit on final byte
.nstring "HELLO" ; set high bit on final byte
The above pseudo-ops also allow numeric values as well.
.cstring "HELLO", $0d
To interpret numeric data as strings, use the .stringify
.stringify 2061 ; assembles to: $32, $30, $36, $31
Use the .binary
pseudo-op to include data from a binary file.
.binary "music.sid",$7e,$200 ;126 byte offset, first 512 bytes of data
In the example above, offset and length parameters are given, but both are optional.
To include tiny6502-compatible source for compilation, use the .include
.include "/libs/mylibrary.asm"
There are a few pseudo-ops that allow you to reserve space for storage without affecting assembly output. The .align
and .fill
commands serve this purpose when only one argument is specified.
star_field .fill FIELD_WIDTH * FIELD_HEIGHT
The biggest difference between these two commands is the first argument in .fill
specifies the number of bytes to reserve space. The .align
pseudo-op aligns the program counter value to an amount divisable by the argument.
.align $100 // align to the nearest page
If a second (optional) parameter is specified for either one of these pseudo-ops, this changes the behavior so that the output is filled with the values according to the fill length/alignment of the first argument.
.fill 9,$ffd220 // three jsr $ffd2 calls
Space can also be reserved using the .byte
, .word
, .long
, .dword
and string pseudo-ops by passing a ?
* = $00
zp_byte_var .byte ? // same as .fill 1
zp_word_var .word ? // same as .fill 2
The assembler actually has two program counters, a "real" program counter tracking the actual offset in the 64KiB address space, and a "logical" program counter to which symbolic addresses resolve. By default both are the same, but for purposes of assembling code that can be relocated, the .relocate
directive changes the logical program counter without affecting the real PC.
* = $0801
;; BASIC stub
;; 10 SYS2061
SYS = $9e
.word eob, 10
.stringify start
eob .long 0
start ldx #program_end - highcode
- lda highcode,x
sta $c000,x
bne -
jmp $c000
.relocate $c000 ; all symbolic addresses will be offset from $c000
ldx #0
printloop lda message,x
beq done
jsr $ffd2
jmp printloop
done rts
message .cstring "HELLO, HIGH CODE!"
program_end ; program_end is set to the "real" program end
As seen in the example above, the .endrelocate
directive resynchronizes the logical PC to the real one.
For 65816 targets, data size of immediate mode can be either 1 or 2 bytes. This can be controlled in the assembler either with the bitwidth specifier method described above, or setting the register mode.
rep #$20 // Set accumulator to 16-bit immediate mode
.m16 // tell the assembler
lda #$1234
sep #$20 // Reset accumulator to 8-bit immediate mode
.m8 // tell the assembler
lda #$13
rep #$10 // Set .x/.y to 16-bit immediate mode
.x16 // tell the assembler
ldx #$5678
ldy #$9abc
sep #$10 // Reset .x/.y to 8-bit immediate mode
.x8 // tell the assembler
ldx #$14
ldy #$15
.rep #$30 // Set all registers to 16-bit
.mx16 // tell the assembler
.sep #$30 // Reset all registers to 8-bit
.mx8 // tell the assembler
There is one other directive that can subtlely change the way addressing modes are determined, and that is the direct page .dp
directive. This pseudo-op tells the assembler which is the current logical page and, if the operand's own page is the same, will downsize the addressing mode accordingly.
* = $0200
pha #2
pld ; CPU now in page 2
.dp $02 ; tell the assembler
ldx #0
lda (page2_table,x) ; assembler will not error
sta (page2_table),y ; nor here
.word some_ptr, some_other_ptr
Macros are defined between a pair of .macro
and .endmacro
directives. Arguments are optional, and are referenced within definitions with a leading \
character followed by their explicit name in the argument definition list or by their parameter number starting at 1.
basic .macro sob
* = \sob ; set program counter
.word eob
.word 10 ; line 10
.byte $9e ; SYS
.tostring \2 ; parameter 2 is start address
eob .long 0
The above macro can be expanded with a leading .
.basic $0801, start
start ldx #0
;; etc...
Macros cannot be defined within other macro definitions, but they can be referenced.
inc16 .macro
inc \1
bne +
inc \1+1
+ .endmacro
inc24 .macro
.inc16 \1
bne +
inc \1+2
+ .endmacro
- Version 0.2
- Fixed unary expression evaluation
- Fixed
pseudo-op - Added
expression for pseudo-op code output
- Version 0.1 "Hello, tiny6502" Version