Using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm in a complex network setting The code works for square, triangular and hexagonal lattice types and also for a random Erdos-Renyi graph as well as different sizes of Penrose tilings gives a visual simulation (or energy plot) of a 2d grid iding model to test for consistency tests of the other scripts saves in time_ev snapshots of an evolving ising network sweeps trough values of beta and plots various parameters against temperature plots magnetisation and energy in time plots a 2D colormap of energy and magnetisation in both T and external field B plots the clustered version of the network after equilibrium is reached The clustered version of the network is the one in which only edges between equal spins are kept, hence it shows clusters of aligned spins plots some network parameters of the clustered network against temperature creates a fully connected network of nodes with edges the average correlation in time and trough the lattice between spins plots and fits the correlation in a specific temperature and fits it to an exponential to find the correlation lenght (work in progress)