Anything about React Component
git clone
cd rcp
npm install
npm run bootstrap
Use edam for generating.
npm run new
# Or use edam-cli in straightway
npm i edam-cli -g
- internal package
should be named as _foo
, eg. @rp/_types
- utility package
should be named as util.{{lowerCase}}
, eg. @rp/util.displayname
- hoc package
should be named as hoc.{{lowerCase}}
, eg. @rp/hoc.i18n
- component package
should be named as c.{{lowerCase}}
, eg. @rp/c.text
- React Hook related
should be named as use.{{lowerCase}}
, eg. @rp/use.i18n
- @rcp/c.keepalive - Keep react component view / store when switched view.
- @rcp/c.loadingwrapper - A component for easy create loading mask
- @rcp/c.preventfastop - Prevent some fast operation (eg. click)
- @rcp/c.prompt - Advanced React router prompt support beforeunload
- @rcp/hoc.i18n - React Component's high order component about internationalization
- @rcp/hoc.mount - The high order component for mounting component
- @rcp/hoc.uncontrolled - The high order component for creating uncontrolled component
- @rcp/use.behaviorsubject - use hook for rxjs behavior subject
- @rcp/use.compareeffect - use custome compare effect
- @rcp/use.fetcher - async data fetcher
- @rcp/use.forceupdate - forceUpdate like legacy react
- @rcp/use.i18n - A react hook for using i18n
- @rcp/use.i18ncontext - A react hook for using i18n provider/consumer
- @rcp/use.persistfn - use persist fn
- @rcp/use.persistref - Persist the ref value
- @rcp/use.replacer - Replace runtime value as your wish
- @rcp/use.shared - shared value like recoil
- @rcp/use.syncstorage - Sync state to storage
- @rcp/use.uncontrolled - Make props.value piped to state, and exposes
, make react component is uncontrolled & controlled - @rcp/util.createlogger - Create namespace isomorphic logger
- @rcp/use.valuesstate - The useful methods exported for values state
- @rcp/util.displayname - The utility for getting display name
- @rcp/util.createmount - The utility for creating mountable view
- @rcp/util.iscompclass - The utility for checking component class
- @rcp/ - Open react element standalone
- @rcp/util.iselemof - The utility determinating the input is element of the component class
- @rcp/util.tocompclass - The utility converting stateless to be component class
This library is written and maintained by imcuttle,