ijTools is a collection of plugins for the ImageJ/Fiji platform. Some of them have specialized aims and/or are focussed on processing of specific project data.
Short curated list of rather stable projects:
- ijGranulometry: a library that allows to apply grayscale granulometry using mathematical morphology operators. Requires the MorphoLibJ library.
- Digital Shapes A collection of plugins for generating discretized version of classical geometric shapes in 2D (disks, ellipses, oriented boxes...) and in 3D (balls, elllipsoids, cuboids, cylinders...).
- binaryMorphology: implementation of morphological filters for binary images relying on distance maps. Can be faster for large values of structuring element radius.
- Rotated Crop Plugin Crop 2D/3D images with various box orientations.
- ScaleBar3d Simple plugin to add a Scale Bar to 3D images, as a 3D cylinder.
- ijGeometry a Geometry library for ImageJ
- sliding-strel Morphological dilation and erosion using sliding structuring elements
- imagej-plugin-template: template project to quickly create new plugins for ImageJ.