Reconstruct Persian/Arabic sentences for use in the u8g2 library. In languages like Persian/Arabic, the letter is modified depending on where it should go in a word. Usually, when you print to the display ordinary Persian/Arabic text, each character is printed individually and is not joined together, whereas a computer would join it automatically on the screen but not modifying the actual data of each character.
Persian/Arabic script is very special with two essential features:
- It is written from right to left.
- The characters change shape according to their surrounding characters.
So when you try to print text written in Persian/Arabic script on LCD/OLED display that doesn’t support Persian/Arabic you’re pretty likely to end up with something that looks like this:
Use for online simulation.
Download/Clone repository, then Install u8g2 library. Change this line depending on the display type and wiring. Finally upload the code.
Copyright (C) 2019 Ramin Sangesari.
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