A super simple painter app (based on RxPaint) developed using GWT (java to javascript framework), RxJava (event composition library) and Canvas (draw graphics via scripting).
Run using mvn gwt:devmode
and package using mvn package
Deployed including sourceMaps
and source code
, so you can just enter here,
open your preferred developer tool an navigate through the java
source code.
The app demonstrates how to combine UI, request and bus events uniformly using Observables
. To
communicate to a remote device it uses Chrome cast
, the app implements in the same entry point both
the sender and the receiver code, and bind the corresponding observable if available. If you want
to test the Chrome cast
app locally you need to create your own application in the
Google Cast SDK Developer console and use your local
ip in the Receiver application URL (e.g.
). Once you
have your Application ID
you can override it executing devmode with the applicationId
(e.g. mvn gwt:devmode -DapplicationId=XXXYYYZZZ
) TIP You don't need to re-cast your app to reload
code changes in the receiver side, just press ctrl+r
in the developer console and GWT will trigger a
recompilation automatically. This works in the sender-side/normal-web-side, but I spouse you already know that.