Data science Competition | Organized by DACON and KAERI: Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute
Collider Detection for early diagnosis of faults in Nuclear Power Plants using Vibration data (LB #5th)
If you wish to experiment with the models, download data from competition site and use either the main file (ensemble of 3 models) or experiment with specific models. The training schemes and architectures are described below.
: single file with whole code to train all 3 models and create the final submission file.KAERI CNN2d Keras xxx.ipynb
: TF_Keras training CNN2d modelKAERI CNN2d Torch xxx.ipynb
: Pytorch training CNN2d modelKAERI CNN2d-MLP Keras xxx.ipynb
: TF_Keras training CNN2d + MLP model concat (with sequence and tabular data)KAERI ensemble.ipynb
: ensemble of 3 best models
- Public: 4th | LB: 0.0037xx
- Pvt: 7th | LB: 0.0042xx
4 acceleration sensors
~0.0015 sec measurements with 25600 Hz sampling --> 375 points per measurement
2800 collider ids in training set
4 target variables: position (X,Y), mass (M) and velocity (V) of the collider
Use of TF Keras, Pytorch, scikit-learn, scipy and more
Evaluation Metric: SMAPE
- FE lags on various windows (per sensor) —> 24 additional features + 5 raw =
29 features with shape: (-1, 375, 29, 1)
- FE pct change+ agg stats for each sensor Si —>
68 features with shape: (-1, 68)
- mean, median, min, max, std, percentiles, skew
- min/max, norm, mean absolute change, absolute max/min, max to min, absolute average
Tried also but didn't work:
- interactions between S1, S2, S3, S4
- FFT features
- exponential weighted functions
CNN2d with 2 channels, 6 layers + FC head with 3 Dense layers
filters = [16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512]
kernel = (5,1)
activation = 'elu'
padding = 'same'
dropout = 0.2
batch_normalization conv layers = True
batch_normalization dense layers = False
dense units = [512, 256, 128]
Channel 1: raw data + white Noise (mean=0, std=0.001)
Channel 2: normalized data + white Noise (mean=0, std=0.001)
Optimizer: Adam(LR=0.001)
LR schedule: ReduceLROnPlateau
Batch size: 256
Train one model for Position (XY), one model for Mass (M) & one model for Velocity (V) using KFold (5 folds)
Model 1-XY validation loss = 0.00013199864
Model 1-M validation_loss = 0.005548691534
Model 1-V validation loss = 0.00179906
CNN2d, 1 channel with 6 layers + FC head with 3 Dense layers
filters = [32, 32*2, 32*4, 32*8, 32*16, 32*32]
kernel = (5,1)
activation = 'elu'
padding = 'same'
dropout = 0.2
batch_normalization conv layers = True
batch_normalization dense layers = False
dense units = [512, 128, 16]
Optimizer: Adam(LR=0.1) + SWA
LR schedule: Cyclic LR (exp)
Early stopping callback with patience 50
Batch size = 256
Train one model for Position (XY), one model for Mass (M) & one model for Velocity (V)
Model 1-XY validation loss = 0.0018968
Model 1-M validation_loss=0.0005028
Model 1-V validation loss=3.3e-05
CNN2d + MLP concat + FC head
filters = [32, 32*2, 32*4, 32*8, 32*16, 32*32]
kernel = (5,1)
activation = 'elu'
padding = 'same'
dropout = 0.2
batch_normalization conv layers = True
batch_normalization dense layers = True
dense units = [512, 256]
fc dense units (after concat) = [1024, 512, 128]
Optimizer: Adam(LR=0.01)
LR schedule: step decay
Early stopping callback with patience 50
Batch size = 256
Train one model for Position (XY), one model for Mass (M) & one model for Velocity (V)
Model 1-XY validation loss = 0.000263
Model 1-M validation_loss = 0.000038
Model 1-V validation loss = 0.00012
X Prediction: (Model 1 [XY] + Model 2 [XY] + Model 3 [XY])/3
Y Prediction: (Model 1 [XY] + Model 2 [XY] + Model 3 [XY])/3
M Prediction: (Model 1 [M] + Model 2 [M] + Model 3 [M])/3
V Prediction: (Model 1 [V] + Model 2 [V] + Model 3 [V])/3
KAERI metric
def kaeri_metric(y_true, y_pred):
y_true: dataframe with true values of X,Y,M,V
y_pred: dataframe with pred values of X,Y,M,V
return: KAERI metric
t1, p1 = np.array(y_true)[:,:2], np.array(y_pred)[:,:2]
E1 = np.mean(np.sum(np.square(t1 - p1), axis=1) / 2e+04)
t2, p2 = np.array(y_true)[:,2:], np.array(y_pred)[:,2:]
E2 = np.mean(np.sum(np.square((t2 - p2) / (t2 + 1e-06)), axis=1))
return 0.5*E1 + 0.5*E2
My intention here was to experiment with different frameworks (TF, Pytorch) and make comparisons on the model performance, pipelines etc
I was experimenting with many architectures but at the end I didn't have time to focus on a single one and tune it properly and decide it to spend the final days to ensembling. Hence, I picked the best 3 models from the 'experimental pool' to boost my LB scores.
However, to my best of knowledge a single model with proper features and tuned parameters can outperform very complex models with complex features. Next steps will be towards that direction.
- extract FFT features from various bands & from correlations between them
- Mel spectrograms, MFCC features from spectra
- Kalman filtering
- FE + Feature Selection (To select best features amongst the pool of features)
- Hyperparameter tuning (Weights & Biases)