This is collection of web services by Hamburger Zentrum für Sprachkorpora for mainly CLARIN use but can be usable for other interoperability.
Ideally maven commands will automagicate these:
- Java
- Maven
- Tomcat
- Exmaralda 1.10 (see later)
I currently work with it by doing things like:
mvn compile
mvn package
mvn install
cp target/*.jar $MAVENDEPLOY/
I guess you could also set up the mvn deploy target somehow.
You need to query the web address with parameters operation, version and query.
Exmaralda doesn't do maven so well. You can work it by donwloading the package you need and executing something like:
tar zxvf ~/Downloads/prev_EXMARaLDA_SUN_JMF.tar.gz
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=lib/EXMARaLDA.jar -DgroupId=org.exmaralda -DartifactId=exmaralda -Dversion=1.10 -Dpackaging=jar
(I found these instructions by googling from: