Libsodium encoding and decoding functions.
This module is designed to work with the datcxx
build tool. To add this
module to your project us the following command...
build add datcxx/sodium-encodedecode
build test
#include "deps/datcxx/sodium-encodedecode/index.hxx"
auto encoded = Hyper::Sodium::Base64::encode("Hello, world!");
// encoded == "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ=="
auto decoded = Hyper::Sodium::Base64::decode(encoded);
// decoded == "Hello, world!"
auto encoded = Hyper::Sodium::Hex::encode("Hello, world!");
// encoded == "48656c6c6f2c20776f726c6421"
auto decoded = Hyper::Sodium::Hex::decode(encoded);
// decoded == "Hello, world!"