Python tool for plotting arbitrary fields of ROS messages in real time
rostopic echo [topic] | rosplot [x fields] [y fields] [options]
[number] -i --update_interval : milliseconds between plot updates
[number] -c --point_count : max points to plot in sliding window
[number] --size : the size of the points
[0-255] -a : alpha, the transparency of the points
hint: pass multiple y fields separated by commas to plot multiple fields
--- gps positions ---
rostopic echo /android/fix | ./rosplot latitude longitude
--- simple time series ---
rostopic echo /android/barometric_pressure | ./rosplot time fluid_pressure
--- fast update, rolling window ---
rostopic echo /android/illuminance | ./rosplot time illuminance -i 50 -c 200
--- multiple y fields plotted against one x field ---
rostopic echo /android/imu | ./rosplot time linear_acceleration.x,linear_acceleration.y,linear_acceleration.z
--- three pairs of fields ---
rostopic echo /android/imu | ./rosplot linear_acceleration.x,linear_acceleration.z,linear_acceleration.y linear_acceleration.z,linear_acceleration.y,linear_acceleration.x