- Introduction
- Requirements
- Installation
- Hint
This project is part of avana's recruitment process
- laravel ^8.0
- php ^8.0
- Create / install fresh laravel project on your local machine. For details, visit : https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/installation
- After laravel successfully created / installed, open cmd / terminal then navigate to laravel project root.
- Configure your DB configuration in .env file
- Add avanahuda/avanatest package via composer. Type : --> composer require avanahuda/avanatest @dev --> composer dump-autoload
- Do migration. type this command on your cmd / terminal --> php artisan migrate
- Run laravel project using this command : --> php artisan serve
This project use laravel default port (8000)
- if you need postman collection. You can find on 'Postman Collection\Avana.postman_collection.json'
- if you want to know the asnwer of Test #1, You can find on 'Assignment Answer\q_avana.sql'
- if you want to know the asnwer of Test #0, You can find on 'Assignment Answer\Hackerrank huda score.jpeg'