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pipe provides versatile channel transformers for Golang. Currently it can:

  • Converge values from multiple upstream channels into single downstream channel;
  • Broadcast values from single upstream channels to multiple downstream channels.

Channel Broadcasting

Simple Broadcaster

Use Broadcast to create a simple broadcaster

upstream := make(chan int)
b := pipe.Broadcast(upstream)

Broadcaster provides .Listen and .Bind methods for registering downstream listeners

l := make(chan int)
canceler := b.Bind(l)
// equivalent to
l2, canceler2 := b.Listen()
upstream <- 42
l3, canceler3 := b.Listen()

// value 42 is multiplexed to all listeners
<-l  // 42
<-l2 // 42

// no more values after upstream was closed, broadcaster will pipe
// pending values out to all listeners and close them.
_, ok := <-l   // ok == false
_, ok2 := <-l2 // ok2 == false

// since l3 was registered after value 42 sent, it was closed without
// receiving any value
_, ok3 := <-l3 // ok3 == false

The returned canceler can be used for canceling subscription

l, canceler := b.Listen()
upstream <- 42
<-l          // 42
_, ok := <-l // ok == false, since l was closed after cancellation

Broadcaster gaurantees that sending to upstream channel will not block, even if there's no listeners

upstream := make(chan int)
b := pipe.Broadcast(upstream)
upstream <- 42 // won't block

Use .Detach if you want to stop the broadcaster prematurely before the upstream closed, after which sending to upstream will block again

upstream := make(chan int)
b := pipe.Broadcast(upstream)
upstream <- 42 // will block

Memorizable Broadcaster

Sometimes you may expect newly registered listener to be immediately fed with the latest value from upstream. For this scenario, we use the BroadcastM constructor

upstream := make(chan int)
b := pipe.BroadcastM(upstream, 0) // 0 is an initial value
l, _ := b.Listen()
<-l  // 0
upstream <- 42
l2, _ := b.Listen()
<-l2 // 42

Memorizable broadcaster provides .Current method to retrieve the latest value

upstream := make(chan int)
b := pipe.BroadcastM(upstream, 0)
b.Current() // 0
upstream <- 42
b.Current() // 42

Broadcaster with comparable element type

For upstream with a comparable element type (int, string, etc.), we can use BroadcastC to create a broadcaster that provides additional useful methods.

Currently, such broadcaster provides .Until(targets...) method, which will block until one of the values in targets shown up from the upstream.

upstream := make(chan int)
b := pipe.BroadcastC(upstream)
go func() {
    for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
        time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
        b <- i
// block until value 3 or 4 shown up from the upstream, which should be
// approximately 4 seconds
b.Until(3, 4)

.Until has variants like .UntilCh and .UntilContext.

And also we have BroadcastCM, which combines the functionality of BroadcastC and BroadcastM. For more details please refer to godoc.

Controller and Listener

A Controller bundles an upstream and a broadcaster, which is handy in some cases

con := pipe.NewController[int]()
l, _ := con.Listen()

// con.Sink() exposes the upstream channel
con.Sink() <- 42

<-l // 42

It's recommended to store controllers as private fields and expose them as Listenable interface, to which users can bind listeners. Consider an imaginary scenario

// library-side
type State int

type Service struct {
    state *pipe.Controller[State]

func (ser *Service) State() Listenable[State] { return ser.state }
func (ser *Service) businessLogic() {
    // ...
    ser.state.Sink() <- SomeState

// user-side
listener, _ := service.State().Listen()

Similarly, there are variants like Controller(C|M|CM) and Listenable(C|M|CM).

Channel Converging

The method Converge2, Converge3 and ConvergeN implements the channel converging logic

// Converge 2 channels
a := make(chan int)
b := make(chan string)
r := pipe.Converge2(a, b)
go func() {
    a <- 42
    b <- "foo"
for x := range r {
// Output:
// 42
// foo
// Converge arbitary number of channels
a := make(chan int)
b := make(chan string)
c := make(chan float64)
d := make(chan byte)
r := pipe.ConvergeN(a, b, c, d)
go func() {
    a <- 42
    b <- "foo"
    c <- 3.14
    d <- byte(127)
for x := range r {
// Output:
// 42
// foo
// 3.14
// 127


The library is licensed under the MIT License.


Versatile channel transformers for Golang.








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