- An Android App that takes pdf file from the device file manager as input and translate the text from one language(here English ) to another language(here Hindi).
- The Android App can be used by specially abled people , they can open the pdf and its reads out the translated words.
- Interactive short story reader app for small children translated in native languages.
- User can upload pdf file from the device file explorer.
- When clicked on Translate button , the text in English is translated to Hindi.
- Once translated, user can select the Read option for text-to-sppech.
- Built with Android Studio(Java).
- iTextpdf Library for reading , uploading pdf files.
- Firebase ML Kit for language recognition and translation.
- Android TTS Library to convert text to speech according to Locale language codes.
- Can import all the pdf files into app and translate them.
- Create registration ,session based logins for different users and maintain individual user files.
- Create an array of all languages using Firebase ML Kit and translate vice-versa.
- Implement tts for various languages.
This project was done as a part of MCAN - Mobile Cellular and Adhoc Networks miniproject in less than 24 hours.