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Runway Example php App

This is an example app demonstrating how to deploy a php app to runway.

  • clone this repo, and navigate into that directory
  • runway app create
  • runway app deploy
  • runway open

You can then deploy changes by git commiting them, and running runway app deploy again.

This is the Symfony Demo Application, created with composer create-project symfony/symfony-demo my_project.

PHP Extensions

By default, that demo application needs sqlite support, which has been enabled by putting a custom.ini into the directory .php.ini.d, with the following contents:

Webserver and PHP-FPM setup

We also configure some defaults for the buildpack in project.toml:

[ build ]
  [[ build.env ]]
    value="nginx" # we want nginx, with php-fpm
  [[ build.env ]]
    value="false" # no http-to-https redirects, the runway platform handles that
  [[ build.env ]]
    value="public" # standard web directory for a symfony app
  [[ build.env ]]
    value="" # reset composer options, standard is --no-dev

(more options are available but this is all we need for symfony)

We also tell nginx to fallback to the index.php, by putting a symfony-server.conf into .nginx.conf.d:

location / {
    # try to serve file directly, fallback to index.php
    try_files $uri /index.php$is_args$args;

Teaching symfony about symlinks

Buildpacks work in "layers", and because of that, vendor/ is just a symlink into a specific directory. Some symfony scripts don't like that. We fix that by specifying the full path to src for the autoloader:

--- a/content/php/composer.json
+++ b/content/php/composer.json
     "autoload": {
         "psr-4": {
-            "App\\": "src/"
+            "App\\": "/workspace/src/"
     "autoload-dev": {
         "psr-4": {
-            "App\\Tests\\": "tests/"
+            "App\\Tests\\": "/workspace/tests/"
     "scripts": {

and explicitly setting the app's root-dir for symfony:

--- a/content/php/composer.json
+++ b/content/php/composer.json
     "extra": {
         "symfony": {
             "allow-contrib": true,
+            "root-dir": "/workspace",
             "require": "6.1.*"

plus, we remove the post-install scripts, because these aren't run in the context of the app and wouldn't work:

--- a/composer.json
+++ b/composer.json
@@ -87,7 +87,6 @@
             "assets:install %PUBLIC_DIR%": "symfony-cmd"
         "post-install-cmd": [
-            "@auto-scripts"
         "post-update-cmd": [

Runtime Config

We also need to set APP_ENV to prod during runtime:

  • runway app config set APP_ENV=prod