AbstractVM is a virtual machine that uses a stack to compute arithmetic expressions between values with different types (int8, int16, int32, float, double) These arithmetic expressions are provided to the machine as basic assembly commands.
-'push VALUE': pushes a new value on the top of the stack
-'pop': pop the first element of the stack, if stack is empty displays an error
-'dump': if any, display all the values of the stack (without changing the stack)
-'print': if value is a int8 prints it as a char, raise an error otherwise
-'assert VALUE': checks if the value on top of the stack is the same as the one given as parameter, raise an error otherwise
-'add': add the first two operands of the stack
-'sub': sub the first two operands of the stack
-'mul': multiply the first two operands of the stack
-'div': divide the first two operands of the stack
-'mod': modulus between the first two operands of the stack
-'sum': sum of stack
-'avrg': average value of the stack
-'min': min value
-'max': max value
-'asort': ascending sort of the stack
-'dsort': descending sort of the stack
-'exit': tells the program that is ended
The objective of this project. Writing a Filler playe
$> make
$> ./avm test/1test.txt
$> sh run_error_tests.sh
$> sh run_std_tests.sh
$> sh run_valid_tests.sh
; -------------
; test_avm
; -------------
push int32(42)
push int32(33)
push float(44.55)
push double(42.42)
push int32(42)
assert double(42.42)