ViewManager is a small, simple library to maintain a set of views such that only one view is open at a time.
$ npm install viewmananger
ViewManager is intended to be used with browserify.
var ViewManager = require( 'viewmanager' );
var viewmanager = new ViewManager();
viewmanager.add( 'foo', document.getElementById( 'foo' ) );
viewmanager.add( 'bar', document.getElementById( 'bar' ) );
viewmanager.add( 'yak', document.getElementById( 'yak' ) );
// ensures the default show class 'show' is set on 'foo' and unset on the other managed views 'foo' );
// will set the 'show' class on 'bar', and remove it from the other views 'bar' );
var viewmanager = new ViewManager( {
showClass: 'blah' // defaults to 'show'
} );
When open() is called on a view id, will ensure that the given showClass is added to the opened view and removed from all other managed views.
var viewmanager = new ViewManager( {
hideClass: 'blarg' // defaults to ''
} );
When open() is called on a view id, will ensure that the given hideClass is removed from the opened view and added to all other managed views.
viewmanager.add( 'foo', document.getElementById( 'foo' ) );
Adds the given element to the view manager with the specified id.
viewmanager.remove( 'foo' );
Removed the view associated with the id 'foo' from the view mananger. 'foo' );
Opens the view specified by the id 'foo', esuring it has the proper show and hide classes applied and that all other managed views are appropriately hidden (again, with proper show/hide classes applied).
This is essentially a fork and simplification of ymir.